View Full Version : MO: wtb s14 sunroof glass in good shape

10-09-2013, 10:59 PM
looking for new s14 sunroof glass with good trim and seal.

i have an early model 95 (three bolt style) but i have read that i can use the two bolt style as well and just need to redrill one hole.

pm, reply here or contact me at 314-560-3850

i'm located in st. louis missouri

also the glass in mine is in good shape, just the trim is busted if youre willing to entertain a trade +cash on my end

10-13-2013, 03:13 PM
someones gotta have this

10-13-2013, 06:35 PM
I have a full sunroof assembly glass and all. I am only willing to sell it whole. Pm me an offer if you are interested