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1993 Nissan Tactical 240sx (Deceased)

ThatGuy’s Zilvia.net Forums | Nissan 240SX (Silvia) and Z (Fairlady) Car Forum Member Rides
1993 Nissan Tactical 240sx (Deceased)
1993 Base Model Coupe
Mostly Stock KA
LS2 or LS3 Project was planned

Custom Krylon Paint Job (not recommended for ANY vehicle)
--Will be replaced with "Real Paint"**
OEM Chuki 180sx Side Skirts
OEM Silvia Rear Valences
Dual Reflector Headlights
"Stealth Custom Fab" Headlight Mounts from Johnnie Fraz
Amber/Clear Silvia Bumper Lights
Dual LED Corner Lights from www.clearcorners.com**
ChargeSpeed Vented FRP Hood
OEM Silvia Aero Front Bumper
BOMEX Front Bumper Lip**
Smoked Corner Lights
Besiege Smoked Crystal Tail lights
EastBear Aero Mirrors
Kognition Design CF B-Pillar Covers
Zenki Silvia Trunk Lock
G-Corp Spoiler planned**
Custom Vinyl from Andrew Bohan at www.Laboratory17.com

3" Catco high flow catalytic converter
3" Dynomax Resonator
3" Inlet, dual 2.5" outlet Dynomax Turbo-Style Muffler
Dual 3" Chrome Tips
Custom 3" Piping

Bride Brix Drivers Seat
SCHROTH Rallye 3 DOT Legal Driver's Harness
S13 Silvia Manual Passenger Seat Belt
Nardi Clasico Steering Wheel
Nismo Steering Hub
Digital Gauge Cluster
New Carpet from www.stockinteriors.com
"Jolly Roger" Shift boot by S13SilviaGirl
Custom 7.62mm ammo belt shifter trim (Real Inert Rounds)
Kognition Design Meter Panel**
Relocated Stereo**
Custom Overhead Console**

Suspension and Drivetrain
Mishimoto Aluminum Radiator
5-Speed Swap
Unknown Short Shifter (C's knock-off)
5-lug Swap
Skyline Front Brakes**
"Stealth Custom Fab" Tension Arm Brace by Jonnie Fraz
"Stealth Custom Fab" Rear STB by Jonnie Fraz
SPL KTS Coilovers
SPL Tension Rods
SPL Traction Rods
SPL Toe Rods
SPL Subframe Collars
18x9 (F) +30 (+15 with KICS Bolt on Spacer) 18x10 (R) +35 (+20 with KICS Bolt on Spacer) Work Equips
BFGoodrich g-Force Sport 225/40 F and 245/40 R

**Not currently installed

I've done everything myself so far.
Not that big of a deal since I haven't done much.

Special Thanks to:
Kevin, Lisa, Emma, Kaylee, Stinky, and Chance for tracking down parts.
Jay at www.PandaGarage.com for coming through on the OEM Aero.
Jonnie Fraz for his awesome fabrication skills.

Click Thumbnail to Enlarge.
Open Private Road Custom Exhaust Old Front End, Old Wheels Rain = Gloss! Hahaha Always Working Kevin Big Kids Toys Sittin in the weeds Bath time Nice Clearance, needs more lower! Interior
Gallery Statistics
Member: ThatGuy
Created: 04-02-2006 06:22 PM
Last Modified: 04-20-2010 03:41 PM
Views: 38232
Images: 11
Comments: 86

Author Comment Date
ThatGuy Sometimes I miss it. Most times I just miss having something to work on. 12-20-2017
Reeeeevoh badass! 01-27-2013
onevias13 nice car 03-28-2012
KOUKIboy Dude that is one of the most original and coolest shift boot I've ever seen!!! why does the title say "deceased" I hope you didn't sell it...... 02-22-2011
dbrooks this car isnt tactical.

TACTI-COOL! hahahahahaha
jdm_cameron Dude the color is unique... Time for the swap ya? 04-30-2010
Duffy1978 i dont like the rims too much, but this car is up there dude! 04-22-2010
1_Bad_Silvia awsome car bro 02-02-2010
nismo133 Haha nice flat green i have the same nardi in my 1993 hatch 12-28-2009
VP-HERCULES HAHAHAH! Krylon! I painted my Sentra Flat Black with that stuff before I was to get a REAL flat black paint job! Too bad it blew up before that :/ 12-10-2009
greenbeast91 sick s13. And green looks so sick 11-09-2009
miki180sx Hey man nice s13! I remember when I started out with one of those! 10-10-2009
niteridaz503 Awsome car man looks great. 09-16-2009
b R 3 E z Y x Z e N k i E I like that color. . . Shits hot yo' nice military theme. 08-22-2009
ThatGuy Not base housing, but it is the Camp LeJeune area. 08-01-2009
kiriyama Is that camp lejeune/ base housing? Anyways, very nice, i like the change from classic silvia colors 08-01-2009
Fonix36 i liked it better without the silvia front end, but all in all very nice 05-31-2009
ThatGuy Hahaha, good for him. It's not like I invented the slogan or anything. 04-23-2009
whatda http://www.rcdriftclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=5085
read his sig
ThatGuy Years, not months. Priorities will dictate, but right now it's not looking like a viable option for at least a few more years. 12-19-2008
future240 Time frame on LS2? 12-19-2008
ThatGuy Yeah, it's not ARMY Green. I wouldn't put that on my car. Second, why are you looking at my "come"? 07-20-2008
wacko2 like the army green on ur come, with those nice rims u have on it. 07-19-2008
ThatGuy It's in the garage for now. I'm working on the cooling system and gas is fast approaching $4.00 a gallon. It might be time to buy a bike. 05-16-2008
downshift_sideways Been looking good.

Whats next?
MaD1337M3DRiV3r car looks great, keep it up 04-15-2008
DirtyS14 Clean car. 03-26-2008
biggiesmalls240 it's like a military color, very cool. My brother had his car painted this color as well, mainly because he's in the military and because it looks great on every car, like the hood too. You did an amazing job on that car 03-03-2008
SidewaysRPS13 Man I love this car!! The Color OMG =D 02-24-2008
Yuri I've had nightmares involving your car but only in a good way. 02-21-2008
ThatGuy "Needs a Ls2."
Well Luke, if you're offering to buy it for me, I'll swap it in ASAP!
Harbe nice 01-24-2008
blu808 Needs a Ls2. 01-01-2008
ThatGuy Thanks Joker. Good luck over there. Keep your head down and you spirits up. -ThatGuy, USMC 12-25-2007
240sxJoker thats a sick ride and i love the POW MIA on the hood makes me want to do a better job here in Iraq 12-12-2007
opponheimer looks good 12-09-2007
muddafakka Hey bro nice coupe. 12-07-2007
backwoods This is my type of car here. Makes me reassur emyself of what front to get!!! Looks great. 11-27-2007
ThatGuy Awwwww, bye Chance. 11-20-2007
S13SilviaGirl *sniff* Chance is with Masako's family now But at least he is happy and totally Koya's dog. He only wants him, I think he is in love. 11-20-2007
JesusFreakDrifter even with flat camo green paint, them equips make that car stand out so nicely 11-15-2007
S13SilviaGirl what a handsome car it is! errrr I mean, A lean, mean tactical machine in green! 10-09-2007
ThatGuy Look at the last picture. That's the spray paint I used. I don't recommend rattlecan spray paint for painting a car. My car will eventually have real paint. This was just something I did for the hell of it. It looks better in pictures then it does in person. 10-06-2007
treos13 whats the name of the green paint you use?? 10-06-2007
ThatGuy Originally from around Harrisburg. I am stationed and live in North Carolina. 07-30-2007
Sickcarzdriver1 where in pa are you in 07-29-2007
300hp owen sick sick sick. GL with the LSx project, DO IT! my LS1FC has never been more fun! 07-27-2007
ThatGuy No, just hard parking. I never make it to any events, and even if I did, I can't be photographer and driver at the same time. lol 07-17-2007
irax any pics of you drifting? 07-17-2007
bjorkluv Those wheels arent very tactical...but shit is lookin good brother! 06-24-2007
kandyflip445 You should do a US flag on the side under the mirror with a mirror image on the other side. lol

Love the Equips.
kognition Def a wicked looking ride! 06-13-2007
blu808 ewwiwop.com 06-11-2007
ThatGuy Hahaha, Lisa. you don't need to *TOUCH* the car, you've already touched all the cool parts. Thanks again for all the help from you and Kevin. 04-28-2007
S13SilviaGirl *TOUCH* 04-26-2007
opponheimer NVM just found some... sexy wheels! 04-22-2007
opponheimer clean car man.. got any higher res pics of it? 04-22-2007
ThatGuy I bought a totalled chassis for $600 and removed all the 5 speed parts from it, as well as other parts. 03-19-2007
bsalabanzi1989 very unique i like all the suspension and drivetrain work done on the car how much did you pay for your 5 speed swap? 03-19-2007
S13SilviaGirl Ahhh the green machine! How I love it!!!!!!!!!! YOu should get stationed on the West Coast so we can do photo shoots together! Werd! 03-12-2007
ThatGuy Hahaha, new pictures will be up soon enough. 02-09-2007
sochbat Update already man! 02-08-2007
~Split~ lol did the car do any military missions yet ? lol nice color looks great. 01-28-2007
ThatGuy The gloss finish in the pic with the Silvia front end, is caused by the rain. Hahahaha The hood is gloss from the Gel-Coat Chargespeed uses. 01-27-2007
Skinner ok i have a quick question, you obviously did the rattle can job, but did you do the gloss finish also? 01-26-2007
Skinner Ok yea I love the color... dang nice car man 01-22-2007
ThatGuy Actually I just taped it off in my yard. Sprayed the first coat, sanded down the highspots, and sprayed the second coat. Patience and prep-work. 09-12-2006
240supra I painted my car the same way along time ago too. mine did not come out that smooth. how did you paint yours? 09-12-2006
joe gomez sweet car, love the paint! 09-05-2006
ThatGuy Thanks Jonnie. I'll put some new pics in here shortly. 07-20-2006
Jonnie Fraz I love the new pics, Front end looks killer 07-17-2006
ThatGuy Paint is a couple of dollars a can at Wal-Mart, Advanced Auto, AutoZone, etc. Took about a dozen cans to coat the whole car with 2 good coats. 07-12-2006
basssuperhero so how much did that paint cost thats badass 07-04-2006
S13SilviaGirl YAYYYY Smoked corner lights, now if only I could find the bumper turn signals...or steal em from Jspec. 05-21-2006
ThatGuy Pictures of the new front end will be up after I get it finished and re-spray it. 05-18-2006
Sularus can you put some pics up of your headlights? 05-11-2006
NemeGuero Go Barry, Go! Where... did... you.. go? 04-12-2006
cc4usmc OD GREEN!! hahaha your so moto! =P 04-09-2006
ThatGuy I'll gladly take donations for paint. 04-09-2006
S13SilviaGirl it is amazing what the sideskirts can do for a car!!! I think you should keep it like that!!! gahhh, hurry up n paint it! 04-09-2006
ThatGuy Tall tires won't be there for much longer. LOL 04-05-2006
mtmetzger The car looks awesome man. I like the look of the taller tires. Good job. 04-05-2006
Slidewayscoupe dude i love the paint... if i had the balls i would do it to my jeep but i dont think that i do. so i dont think its gonna happen 04-03-2006
2iv0 sx Waiting for those ** to be put on!! =D 04-03-2006
S13SilviaGirl hehehe, my cars green twin on the East side!!! kekeke....it will be more of a twin after the paint job tho... 04-02-2006
mrmephistopheles I think half the parts on your car will have come from me. 04-02-2006
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