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Old 05-20-2020, 12:18 PM   #91
crash n' burn
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Originally Posted by DJTTon View Post
Is that a Z33/G35 diff? Whats the plan with that?
Package deal with the trans. I sold it to a buddy of mine who already has a s14 subframe setup in his hatch. That's definitely on the table for me but it'd be the next phase once everything is up and running. I have a good friend that owns a Z specialty shop here in town and they got shelves of parts and parts cars in & out of the shop regularly.

Originally Posted by TheRealSy90 View Post
I feel you on the budget thing, the "youtuber" that had the issue received a revised kit from them and still had problems. Hope it works out for you.
It actually showed up 2 days ago, haven't really gotten around to playing with it just yet.

I did play around with the crank collar fitment and it wasn't excessively tight, hah..slid right through (click to play)

Speaking of parts showing up, I looked in to Freed Engineering's coolant temp sensor for the factory gauge and wasn't impressed. Essentially the same thing I did, just utilizing a 1/8th NPT sensor and M16 adapter. For less than half the price, I sourced a m16x1.5 to m10x1.25 adapter and a OE sensor for a SOHC cluster. Even though it's a dummy unit, I don't want to have any dead needles.

Just as an added note to everyone, Kavlin Malli is using this same kit on his 2jvvti swapped z32 and has made plenty of power with no issues that I'm aware of concerning this kit. I don't know if its related to drifting it but this car will not see that kind of use since its waay to nice of a chassis to be wall riding with; that was a big factor in my decision. Money spent on critical components is directly related seat time. I more than likely would have done with a difference kit like Fisch.

My buddy got his kit the same day I did and got it on last night; it is an awesome piece, no doubt about it. Spend some time cutting it short then grind it down for a perfect fit. She THICCCCCC

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Old 08-11-2020, 03:46 PM   #92
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I'm terrible at this. Bought a camper so we've been travelling around a bit before my wife starts her internship to wrap up her degree. We won't have this kind of family time for the next year. I also invested money in myself and started my side business doing wiring and making PnP harnesses.

Had a Friday night to myself without the wife and kid so I hung out with some friends and checked out my buddy's new place. They more or less gave me a huge kick in the ass for motivation so I pulled everything off the shelves this past weekend and dove in to getting my swap together.

Not shooting for much power right now, so normal maintenance items were first, replacing crusty hardware, new vacuum lines, etc etc. When we dropped my friend's JZ in his hatch with the ISR mounts, they were perfect....well I bit the bullet on that one I guess so I had had to fix that and wasted a drill bit in the process. Was trying to drop it in but found out I was never sent the chassis side of the engine mounts..those will be here Friday, ugh.

So now that I couldn't dry fit the motor, I figured it was as good of a time as any to destroy this perfectly good external CD. My friend brought over his FISCH kit so we could compare the kits and get his shifter on and adjusted.

You vs. the guy she tells you not to worry about:

I also decided to dry fit the slave so I can mock up my clutch lines and remote bleeder. Came out pretty good. I can mount the bleeder to the backside of the transmission or somewhere on the frame rail for easy bleeding.

So..here it sits until next weekend. I've got the harness stripped down so I can lace in my gauge sensors and ready to mock up for extension when those mounts come in.

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Old 07-19-2021, 02:37 PM   #93
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I haven't been around much..slow day at work and I saw I had a message or 2 asking about progress so I figured I'd take some time to update this.

So I believe I left off just under a year ago..dang. Quite a bit has happened since then. I started teleworking right after my birthday so it made travelling around and camping too easy. I don't think we spent a single weekend or complete week home until the beginning of November. Not much happened though, I took a break to focus on trying to make this side business work. I'll touch on that later.

Long and short is we woke up one Saturday morning the last week of January, checked investments, market values, rates etc etc (adulting, right) that I do every other week and the wife rolled over and kissed me good morning. I chuckled and showed her what a COVID housing market in one of the hottest zipcodes in the country has done for us. Deadass..I was like.."you want to sell the house and build a new one?"

Finished all the projects, splash of new paint upstairs, and listed a week later. Under contract in 11hrs, closed 10 days later....cash. Then, we got to move in -5 degree weather..that was pretty fun. Followed by 22" of snow.

BUT!! Even though we downsized a ton and moved in to a small apartment..there was an upside. We were top of the list on the lot lotto..with a hefty check and good amount of luck, we scored a dream spot, building the exact house we wanted. I don't care much about the view but shit..I think we did real good.

Not long after I found a new daily. I'd always kept my eye on whats available and FINALLY one with the right specs popped up for sale..rather good price, and with a service folder about an inch thick. After almost 3 years, I'd found a replacement wagon.

More to follow.
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Old 07-20-2021, 10:03 AM   #94
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Alright, back to the action. So, I ended up finding a steal of a deal on a WS harness so that was taken care of. I really wanted to maintain a consistent appearance with my lines so I bought some PTFE lines to make clutch lines as well as a remote bleeder for the concentric slave.

Picked up a CBF shifter since GKtech sits entirely too far back and I wanted to get away without cutting as much as I can with this. Feels really good and the throw isn't too short.

Redid my fuel lines since I didn't like the look of crossing over the firewall.

Found heckin' deal on a set of Minervas so I jumped on that. I figured since I was having a hell of a time finding clean silvia fenders, I might as well go fiberglass over all around with some nice 3pc wheels.

I swear my procrastination is a gift. I test fit the wheels to check front brake clearance (these had high and mid faces) and before I can order new lips and barrels, the guy hits me up wanting the wheels back. I tell him I'm really looking for metal silvia front end components if he has some. Straight trade for a hood, fenders, Dorki Dori aero bumper, and the correct silvia crash bar.

Thank god, I had such mixed feelings about cutting the rear quarters.

Bolted it all together and test fitted it real fast to mark the shifter cut.

Trans sits just a hair lower than I like but thankfully there's still some work to be done. The trans bracket doesn't bolt up perfectly but I expected that since it wasn't made specifically for this combination. It's about 1/8" off. I've got to get under there to measure for the driveshaft I'm getting made locally. I'll mark the bracket so I can take it over to my friend's mill and slot the chassis mounting holes a bit. I think I will also pull the drivetrain one last time and look in to clearancing the top of the trans tunnel brace a bit more. I should gain another 1/4" if not more.

Now, you're more or less caught up on the car. Once I get this trans mount sorted and the driveshaft ordered, it's off to my friend's shop for exhaust and intercooler piping. I'm pushing hard for a driver before my birthday.
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Old 08-09-2021, 09:55 AM   #95
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Small progress but big steps forward. Got the drivetrain pulled out last weekend and clearanced the top of the tunnel support just a bit more, everything fit perfect now. Noticeably more ground clearance from the trans.

Chopped my core support just enough and flatted hammered the lip flat on the lower support to allow the radiator to tilt forward. The plan I had with using the V8 style rad is working out exactly how I'd hoped for. C-Hair clearance for the second fan to the waterpump nipple (still need to grind that down)

Tossed the bumper on really quick to reference where the intercooler should sit. Think I can get it low enough to where I can duct air from the grill in to the radiator a little better. Vibrant core is only 9.25" tall.

Spent Saturday night hooking up the few odds and ends, making a larger starter cable, etc etc. Loaded it up yesterday afternoon once my friend FINALLY got his customer to pick up their truck and cleared the bay.

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Old 08-16-2021, 11:35 AM   #96
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Dropped off the last few exhaust items, did a real quick mock up for vision on the muffler and intercooler core, talked about pipe routing, etc etc. and left him to his own devices. He's a bit of a perfectionist so he's been giving me little teasers here and there.

Ended up surprising me with the hot side piping. He replaced the factory turbo outlet entirely to get it as low a possible while retaining the fuse box location, smooth transition to larger diameter piping and making tons of space of the intake.

Also swong by the house this weekend. Even though I think we're a few weeks behind, it looks like there is no more waiting for wood. 2nd floor should be going up this week. Wife caught me just to reference how unbelievably tall these ceilings are. Definitely full size lift capable.

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Old 08-23-2021, 10:52 AM   #97
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Slow going, but going none the less. Car should be done by this weekend. Was in the neighborhood last week wiring up a e60 M5 SMG to manual swap so I stopped by..this dude is freaking killing it. My OCD appreciates his detail. The exhaust work I've already seen is beyond my expectations..all the ground clearance.

Also did a little work on one of my fenders. In the past, I would have just sourced another one but between prices and availability, it's worth the effort since I got them for such a good deal.

We also had some big progress on the house this past week. I'm so fucking excited for this thing. Everything is frames inside and just needs a roof.

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Old 08-26-2021, 09:39 AM   #98
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Home stretch.

Dropped in last night to help get the muffler fitted up. Finally cut off the tow hook because of interference. Driveshaft fit great too.

Flex pipe is tucked up right under the v-band for the turbo outlet to maintain ground clearance. Going to have to figure out some heat prevention for the floorboards.

Little dark to see but he started boxing in the radiator recess. All about the details. Looks really good and has regained all the lost rigidity from the cut.

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Old 10-04-2021, 10:45 AM   #99
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Never really updated this after the fabrication was done. I picked the car up about a week after the last post; everything looks amazing on the car. Exhaust sits perfectly flush with the bottom side of the frame rails with the flex section tucked up out of the way. FMIC core has soo much ground clearance yet low enough to let air come in to the radiator (I may add a little ducting depending on what temps I see. But, got it home and began dealing with a crisis.

I'll preface this..the entire buying experience with CBF Performance was a weird from the start. Fuck Jason Farmer, and fuck CBF Performance....Absolute worst business I've ever had the displeasure to deal with.

I get the shifter in, and tightened down before the car went to the shop. There was some side to side play, very notchy swing and it wasn't even in gear. I email Jason Farmer about it and he said the Delrin pivot bushing is damaged, needs to be repaired. So, we set that up, I ship my base assembly to him.

2 weeks, never acknowledges that he received it until I bug him twice in a row. Finally he says, "Yeah, I got it...I can have it fixed and mailed back before the weekend." 4 weeks later, I'm starting to get pissed off so I message the PayPal account holder I paid in to. "He's been out of the office, but I'll see what I can do".

2 weeks later, coming back from FDLB, I've now send a dozen emails, messages on social media, and zero communication. I start trying to find any ways I can contact these folks. Boom, CBF Performance business pages on FB and IG were taken down, the website had all products removed and I get worried. I hit up the PayPal account holder and tell them I just want my money back. I FINALLY get a response and am reimbursed. Drop an order for a Serial 9 through TF-Works and put this headache behind me. Shifter was in my hands in 4 days.

My wheels also showed up after being delayed at port due to the clogged shipping lanes. I witnessed this first hand while at FD; at least 50 ships anchored waiting to offload..it was insane.

Perfect stock body specs, double staggered, 17x9+17 & 18x9.5+12

Unfortunately, this has all delayed my car running. I move out next weekend and stashed the coupe at my friend's new house. I'm soo bummed about this whole thing...it really killed my momentum. I really wanted this thing moving under it's own power before we moved. I won't have much time to mess with it now that it's sitting on the other side of town.

House wise though, everything is moving soo fast now. Pluming and HVAC is done, electrical is mapped out and being wired this week along with final fire code items. We have our pre-drywall walk through on Friday so they can start closing everything up and should get our cabinets order placed with a set closing date<3

Garage size is really starting to come in to perspective..this thing is massive; I'm soo glad I bit the bullet on the expansion.

I need to get a lift ordered..
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Old 03-23-2022, 03:04 PM   #100
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Well hell, since Zilvia is back up, why not give people something to read.

Closed on the house Dec 23rd..busted my ass to get everything unloaded in to the house and start unpacking so we could actually have a comfortable Christmas.

The next weekend I went and grabbed the 240 from my friend's house along with all my junk. By the time I grabbed the poop Z...same day mind you..it started snowing again.

Then, I copped a new Z chassis for a pretty good price. Just needed a motor swap which was perfect since the poop Z had a great one. Send help..I have a problem. That took a couple days but hey, now I have a really nice drift car that even has a title.

Also bought that lift a couple weeks after we closed. Took about a month to come in.

Best. Purchase. Ever.

Also, since I decided I didn't have enough projects going on right now, I bought a trailer from a buddy in a pinch. With prices right now, I just couldn't justify spending 6k+ on a new one with a weak dovetail. This is a little older and needs a some love. The price was right and I figured about $500 worth of materials and a weekend of work, I'll have myself something really nice for 1/4 the cost. Its super well balanced with a long dovetail that's low friendly.

Finished parting out the poop Z last weekend and sent it away to become a couple hundred tin cans.

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Old 04-11-2022, 03:35 PM   #101
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Some more non-240 content

Haven't really mentioned this thing even though i've had it for a few months. Its a track car to go thrash with the homies. However, right after I put the new motor in, I tossed on a new oil pressure sensor in and cracked the threads like an idiot. Huge problem because it's an oil galley to the filter housing. Finally made some free time this past weekend to pop off the upper pan from the old motor, cleaned it up and swapped it over..what a task that is but not exactly hard.

Wrapped up the day by picking up some more tires off a friend.

Summer is coming fast and I'm really excited this is moving in the right direction finally. Season starts in a month and I really need to get a private day in to shake this thing down.
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Old 04-12-2022, 09:23 AM   #102
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DAMN! that's a nice garage setup.
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Old 01-15-2025, 12:13 PM   #103
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Figured I'd resurrect this one. I also forgot my password a long time ago and finally reset it.

I took a major break on this thing for about 2yrs. After I got the Z up and running, spend a LOT of seat time in it getting it dialed on track while hopping back in to drifting. This car sort of suffered but would tinker here and there when I had a few minutes.


I don't drive it a ton but I get it out there. I was planning on running it to paint the end of 24' but I've been extremely busy especially in the last few years with a new job, building up Key'd Performance, having another kid, flipping cars, buying more projects, etc etc.

Put some aero bits on, grabbed some Works, and its more or less exactly how I envisioned it. Drives great, sounds fantastic, and is such a sleeper. I've got to work on the speedo/tach functionality, put in my gauges, and replace my dash with an uncracked one I found but yeah..good car is good.

I bought a new drift car so maybe I'll make a thread about it.
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Old 01-21-2025, 01:51 PM   #104
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Good to see the old girl come together! Looking solid.
Build: http://zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=643065

Friends don't let friends buy knock-offs.
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