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Old 03-01-2023, 09:23 AM   #834
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Originally Posted by nick_d_240sx View Post
You don't think that determining the origin of a virus that was created, released, and ultimately caused a global pandemic is important?
No. And if you think it was, what is your professional career you decided to pursue to uncover this information. What credentials do you have to speak on the matter.

What are you contributing to society with your fascination about how or why a disease could've possibly been weaponized.

Call me crazy but I also believe
ok you're crazy. I'm not sure where else you're posting all of this drivel but you're like the prime candidate of targeted propaganda.

Yea, label everyone you disagree with as a 'smooth brain' and 'conspiracy theorist'. Unfortunately for you, everyone has an opinion, and that opinion might not be the same as your's.
I'll say this, before covid there have been many diseases before it, and the way people are acting about covid now would've never happened 30 years ago before the internet and algorithms existed.

Where was this outrage for the spanish flu and it being brought to America, or Polio, or Mustard Gas, monkey pox, bubonic plague, sars, ebola, etc.

Because you were at a different time and place in your life and the way information was ingested and made available was different.

Now your batshit racist uncle who doesn't believe in flu shots can post news articles that are purely speculation about if this was a bio weapon that unfortunately hit the whole planet in suburban areas was a planned attack from China?

I think it's fun to talk about weird shit, doesn't really matter anyway, nothing any of us did had any affect on, well, anything really.. Covid is over, but the debate about where it came from, is not.
And Covid is far from over, it continues to thrive and it continues to mutate, people are still getting it, people are still suffering from long term symptoms. Whoever it was going to affect it affected. We are just choosing to live with the risk because the solution was not stopping the world.

I don't wear a mask in public anymore, I'm vaccinated and I've had covid once and worst it was for me was a bad headache. The worst it was for my parents was a bad headache, my father in law unfortunately it cost him his life.

I generally do not like people or like being in big crowds and especially if people are coughing up a lung. Covid or no Covid.

We want to point the finger and blame someone for a global pandemic but nobody wants to look in the mirror and say that I was willing to do my part to figure out how to navigate in a world where it may potentially be unsafe to be around other people and we continued to do whatever we wanted.

But then tried to hold people in power accountable for being human and doing the same thing also.

It's stupid smooth brain behavior.

Unless it's your profession being an epidemiologist or whatever I just don't see what your burning passion for uncovering the source of covid. How it helps, it's past tense now. It's done.

It exists, it's here, it's with us. Finding out the why will not prevent it occuring again, and maybe thats your thought process.
Wayne Edwards
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