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Old 05-15-2019, 09:08 AM   #1171
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Originally Posted by R3b View Post
I think the whole "life skills" in highschool is bullshit, I hear it all the time among my friends, like damn why didn't we learn taxes, rent mortgage, bills etc. Do you think someone at 15-18 has enough introspect to think that far down in life??
Yes they do. The reason you don't see that is because the current system is not setup to encourage and develope that. K-12 is geared for "get you to college to figure your shit out"

George Washington was a fully employed county surveyer at 15. My Great Uncle Red joined the Marines at 16 to fight the Japanese (and later Koreans, Chinese and Vietnamese). Alexander the Great conquered Greece at 13. Young people are incredible of great things if you give them the opportunity and expectation.

Originally Posted by R3b View Post
You honestly have to be retarded or have bad set of cards like help supporting your family, medical bills etc. I have 740 credit, always on top of my bills, both parents work, dont make much. Meanwhile I know people in there late 20s who cant do the basics. No amount of "education" on that stuff will help an individual unless they want it. There is soooooo much free resources online on all of that there is 0 excuse. People will literally max out cards to buy rep wheels lmao they know its stupid but they dont care. Some people are perfectly fine with debt, 0 savings, struggling with cards, and no long term personal goals. Im sure yall see it in the community. Some of the most bottom of the barrel people owning an schassis when they have other life stuff they need to take care of. There car is literally all they have.
Most people are retarded today. Most people have shitty mothers and no fathers today.
As you mentioned, young people don't think ahead about the future. They think they'll go to College, graduate and make 100k, they don't realize that minimum payments on a $10k CC bill means you'll take 40 years and $400k to pay it off.

Most people are two stupid to use free online tools or by the time they realize it, it's to late.

I'd much rather have know about the different types of retirement investment plans at 21 instead of the deeper meaning to Lord of the Files and how to play Ode to Joy on a Trumbone.

Originally Posted by R3b View Post
College is easy...*rant*.
Exactly my point. It's not easy when every HS teacher just tells kids "go to college, get a liberal arts degree, but you have to go to college". When then have a huge emphasis that big state schools are better then community and tech schools. Only poor stupid kids that can't get into a state school go a local/tech school.

However, in real life, 5 years out, not a single employer gives a shit other than if you do or do not have a degree. The only time the actual university you went to matters is when it's a well networked and connected ivy school.

Originally Posted by R3b View Post
Im getting my BA in Mechanical Engineering debt free, takes a bit longer because I've been working and saving but now i've saved enough where I dont need to be working 40hr+. Plus i've had my money pit of a car. Its all about budgeting, putting extra hours at work, being moderately smart with your money and "not living ya best life"
Once again, why are we not teaching young people that?

Instead you have the Unionized Government Teachers telling kids education and college is a right. The solution to student loan debt is to make college free. Vote Bernie.
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