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Old 01-14-2021, 08:45 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by kingkilburn View Post

1.) I didn't call you racist. I demonstrated that you've thrown yourself in with devout racists. Does that hurt your feelings? Good. Now consider whose policy and rhetoric you say you agree with and maybe uh don't anymore.

The rest of you see this as a double standard because I'm tired of talking about it. 2.) You want to see good conservatives where I see people I wish weren't conservative. Every single time I have a face to face conversation with a republican it turns out they aren't nearly as conservative as they think. Once you talk then off the rhetoric and start talking historical fact and what policies actually mean suddenly goddam everyone is a fucking progressive that wants to be left alone. 3.)But is it my job to hold everyone's hand to get there? I'm fucking tired.
1.) So if racists support big government and someone on this forum does as well, they are racist by association? Where are the degrees to this? He has stated multiple times that there are PARTS he agrees with and parts he disagrees with.

2.) This is okay for you but not for the people you are so against? Because you perceive you are on the side of 'righteousness'? How about this: you just want to see villains to justify you stooping to their level. Case-in-point with mr.nismo. You attack him, he starts to defend himself, and because he doesn't take it he's the enemy. It's like you're hunting for a reason to treat him like two previously banned forum members because you need a punching bag. C'mon, man...

3.) No, it isn't, and yes it's tiring...but isn't fighting the good fight (in this case trying to reach others with words) worth the utopia we all want one day? I also don't believe you do this because you seem just as intolerant as the people you despise so much.

Dude you are espousing looking in the mirror and it's like you've never seen one.

I'm sorry man but you're like a movie protagonist that's hunting a villain down because he does bad things. Once you get him right where you want him, you proceed to do the things you abhor so much to him because it's okay for you and not for him...but you're the protagonist, right? The crowd still cheers even when you perpetrate the very same shit you don't like upon the villain in your story?

If you are a paragon that wrongdoes a wrongdoer for wrongdoing, you are now a wrongdoer. An eye for an eye makes the world blind. I ran out of metaphors.
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