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Old 08-21-2009, 10:15 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by kandyflip445 View Post
I think you guys are taking Steve's comments the wrong way. He's asking for clarification on a few issues he's seen/had. A few of them were answered by that guy from Nistune. Which is great. Notice he's not beating a dead horse about those questions.

Also notice, you "sideways" guys, that just calling names and saying things like "let me break it down for you in simple first grade mathematics" doesn't help people see the merit in this thread OR the product. I automatically think, "hey look, if I become a part of the Nistune users I can be a part of a group of dickheads!" If you have a REAL answer to a question then answer. If you don't fully understand where Steve is coming from then ask him to clarify his question.
I don't know if you read the previous version of this thread that was deleted, but I can tell you that it has been Steve Shadows that has been the "dickhead" here on this thread. I know that 4x4le and myself have tried very hard to answer questions (I should say false statements presented as questions) made by Steve Shadows time and time again. We've tried time and time again to clarify things for Steve. I believe Steve knows he has a following on this forum, obliviously he tuned a fair share of Nissans. With that in mind I can only guess that he believes if he repeats himself enough, people will actually start to believe what he's saying. It's crazy really, and I'm sick of it.

I think, and correct me if I'm wrong Steve, that his issue is not that he's trying to get them to change their operating model. I think his issue is that he DOES have experience with Nistune. His experience was that someone bought a second hand Nistune and couldn't get Steve to tune it like he would have if the person would have bought a NEW Nistune.

Now I know you can just go buy a new license of Nistune software. But I think that's kinda doing a disservice to the customers. If I had bought a Power FC or AEM EMS or Haltech from someone second hand then I wouldn't have to call the company to buy the tuning software to use it. (I'm assuming here cause I've never bought these. lol)
I think you might be missing the point that many of us are trying to make in response to Steve again and again. The Power FC, AEM EMS, and Haltech only work with their respective software provided by their manufacture. You cannot take AEM PRO software and tune a Haltech, Power FC, ViPEC, or whatever. If Nistune had made software that ONLY worked with their ROM boards, I'm certain that they would give out the software for free. NISTUNE is a universal Nissan ROM editing software which has a significant amount of development time in it, and that is being put into in currently. I don't think it is fair to ask Nistune to loose money on their product. I personally made the investment in the dealer license, because as person who tunes car on a daily basis for a living, I can appreciate software that works. People are complaining about the small license fee that they charge, heck, I've had to spend close to $3000 for just one of the rom editing softwares I have.
That's my .02 cents.

Let's try to keep it on topic and leave the useless name-calling and finger-pointing out of here.
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