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Old 12-18-2020, 02:15 AM   #4116
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^Would you disagree that diversity quotas (preferential treatment based on race and not merit) are institutionalized racism?

Originally Posted by mrmephistopheles View Post
Stop trying to make drama where there is none.
You're STILL throwing around the N-word and drawing a false equivalent like my jokes are anywhere near the same. Talk about drama. Just stop dude, they're jokes in a loud noises thread, just like all the Christianity jokes, gay jokes, gay Christian jokes, and PTSD and veteran jokes, and disability jokes. They don't actually bother me, and they shouldn't bother anyone else. Get the fuck over them, its shit talk, its funny, god damn. Sticks and fucking stones.

Even though shit is being slung in every which direction, the only people in here taking anything to heart (and trying to get people banned, rep-bombed, and harassed over it) is the left that sees racism in everything, except apparently actual racism vis-a-vis your N-bombs. Just relax and stop saying the N-word ffs. There's no context in which it's okay to use that ACTUALLY historically dehumanizing word. Especially when you're trying to say that I'm wrong for calling someone an election 'rigger', which is funny. It makes no fucking sense dude, you look like an actual racist finding an excuse to use the N-word, tried to project the word into my mouth, and now you're doubling down on it to poison the well. You've got issues man.

Everyone was moved on, deolio and I were having our conversation about the election, then you came in starting drama. Sit back, relax, and have some fun dude. shit.

Originally Posted by mrmephistopheles View Post
Well aren't you just a jackfruit?

See, that word has a real-life meaning, but I'm using it based on my own definition. Does that make me clever?
like a jackboot, but rainbow colored. its also an actual fruit. That's hilarious.

Last edited by zombiewolf513; 12-18-2020 at 03:02 AM..
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