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Old 10-09-2020, 03:12 PM   #2151
Join Date: May 2019
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Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
Just means Millennials are a generation of shit stain soy-boy man children afraid to take on responsibility.

"oh no, I'd have to save to buy a house! Oh no I'd have to mow a yard and replace the water heater! Oh no! I have to have insurance on my car and like buy tires!!! Nooooo!"

Then they cry they can't afford to live because they took a 6 year tour at a state school on deferred loans with a degree in Critical Race Theory and can only find a part time job driving a truck.

They then bitch they can't afford to even rent in what is considered the highest cost of living city in the world - (San Francisco) , and blame white privilege, capitalism and Fascism while standing in line to buy their limited YezzyxJordanxSupremexNintendoSwitch drop kicks for $800.

Pack your shit and move to Kansas City and you can get a 4 bedroom house for $160k and a job working at the RailYard for $62k a year.

It's an entire generation of selfish spoiled people who constantly think they are oppressed because they don't have the even slightest clue what oppression is.

They have no desire for responsibility or for the future.

California, King of "Think of the Planet! Global Warming!"... is fucking covered in God damn trash. You cross the Arizona boarder and you don't even need a Welcome sign, you just see road side litter.

Go to LA and fucking TVs and Microwaves are just chilling at intersections. Random tires, busted car parts and fast food garbage everywhere. It's like an episode of Capitan Planet.

At least Detroit just looks like a warzone.

100% the truth....generations to come will be more fucked.

Cant imagine being 75 and witnessing this bullshit in full effect.
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