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Old 08-02-2020, 10:39 PM   #176
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Originally Posted by RalliartRsX View Post
I wish you showed this much passion for the folks being kidnapped by the Federal police force, in unmarked vehicles and taken to some undisclosed location, all while NOT identifying themselves and not telling folks of why they are being arrested.

THAT is government overreach.

Wear a fucking mask and stop being a selfish piece of shit.

All they are asking is you wear a mask. Doctors wears masks for sometimes up to 12 hours during surgery, and guess what, they don't complain....and I am sure the patients appreciate the doc NOT spreading their germs to thier patients.

You act like we are asking you to go to war. Its a fucking mask. Stop being a little bitch about it. All you have to do is wear it for literally a fraction of your life...
The people that love to call others weak are the most easily perturbed.

Originally Posted by dbeiler View Post
It sounds like some people here are literally cowering in fear at home, afraid to step outside without mask, gloves, and hand sanitizer.

Let me remind everyone how incredibly NOT dangerous the virus is to the majority of us.

Check the infection fatality rate estimate chart:
5-9 years 0.0016%
10-19 years 0.00032%
20-49 years 0.0092%

Here I am walking around outside, disregarding a virus I only have 99.908% chance of surviving if contracted. I must have a massive pair of chestnuts between my legs!

Please continue to stay inside. The world will hurt you.
Being an asshole does not make you courageous, it simply makes you an asshole. I'm a healthy guy in my late 20's, I'm probably in better shape than you....I'm still going to do my damnedest to make sure my slip up does not kill your parents.

Originally Posted by RalliartRsX View Post
NONE of those folks were linked with it. Shit, NONE of those folks were arrested on Federal property

Wear a fucking mask and stop being a selfish piece of shit.

All they are asking is you wear a mask. Doctors wears masks for sometimes up to 12 hours during surgery, and guess what, they don't complain....and I am sure the patients appreciate the doc NOT spreading their germs to thier patients.

You act like we are asking you to go to war. Its a fucking mask. Stop being a little bitch about it. All you have to do is wear it for literally a fraction of your life...

Originally Posted by dbeiler View Post
The portion of the population that's currently contributing nothing to society. Help them out. Donate your entire salary.

Originally Posted by RalliartRsX View Post
10Million people on unemployment are NOT contributing to society??


Ok cool.
I'm sure he's contributed so much.

Originally Posted by mr.nismo. View Post
I love this thread.

I'll throw my stupid opinion out here. Living in CA has been a shit show for all of this, so here's the breakdown

Masks: not a big deal. Wear the fucking thing if it helps prevent you from spreading anything (even unintentionally). There's plenty gathering at protests/rallies, etc that dgaf and don't mask up, it really isn't that hard to throw it on.

Lockdown: fucking stupid. Our economy is trashed now. The recovery will be literally years from this. Especially in CA for our tourist driven economy. Literally fucked. Our stupid ass governor let people open up, spend all this money on making everything covid compliant (paper menus, barriers, reduced capacities, etc), then made everyone close again. Those people are getting fucked real hard now. People who are at risk should do what they need to and protect themselves. Everyone else mask up and go about your business. Herd immunity needs to happen one way or another. There's literally NO immunity from this shit. I was down for not overloading hospitals. Someone dying from a lack of space is shitty. However that turned real quick into "prevent everyone from getting it". Fuck outta here with that shit. Not. Happening.

Stimulus/unemployment: everything was done with only speed in mind. 1200 dollars in CA is fucking shit compared to 1200 in somewhere like Alabama or something. Even better, I got fucking phased out a shit ton of it because I make over 75k. Even though that's like minimum for living here. Like what the fuck?? For unemployment, people were being payed way over what they made working and that needed to stop. I feel that you should make 100% of your normal pay if you're being forced to not work. Obviously the logistics would be a nightmare sorting individual pay at a governmental level. More possible with individual employers doing it through their payroll and then the government can handle everything as a whole from them.

Numbers: statistics on this are super fucked. Everything is just raw numbers (not accurate ones) with not enough detail. Not to mention that hospitals have an incentive to declare deaths as covid is stupid AF.

I feel bad for kids who are at home all the time now. I grew up like that and it sucks big time. I get the distance learning (more for teachers safety), but it needs to be revamped big time. I have a 14 yo little brother, and he said it's just been a total mess. I'm hoping that will be fixed sooner than later.

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The distance learning was so bad in the first place because it was A) Rushed (for good reason) and B) distance learning sucks.

We had the entire summer to get our shit together and stamp this out for the most part. Maybe kids could've gone back to school like they are in Italy & most of the rest of the world. Or we could've made distance learning less bad.

Instead we're at a worse point than ever before.

Glad you agree on masks.

As for lockdowns, the issues are we didn't do it in conjunction with masks, we didn't lockdown enough and people were still out living their lives, during the shutdown. The government should've given every more money, given businesses money to keep the lights on (figuratively)/rent paid (literally), etc., just as many countries in Europe did.

A real shutdown for 4-6 weeks like Italy did, then coming out of it relatively intact is a whole lot better than the idiotic situations that we're living through here because our government is so short sighted. A real shutdown for 4-6 weeks would have terrible effects for 4-6 weeks & if it works (and we help people as outlined above), in theory things could get back to normal quite quickly.

Instead, we've got 150,000 people, we've tanked the economy for going on five months now, etc. I know you want stuff open, but there are a LOT of folks who won't go to a restaurant, to a movie, to a lot of other businesses while a pandemic is raging on whether they're 'open' or not.

You want normalcy? Stay home & wear a mask. You want to continue to live under the shadow of COVID19 & watch deaths pile up? Listen to some of the posters in here.
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