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Old 02-09-2019, 09:49 AM   #1226
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Originally Posted by gbaby2089 View Post
I mean Corbic thinks I want all conservatives shot.

Dude is legitimately unhinged & should seek therapy.
Nice strawman argument.

Do you want socialism and progressivism?

The fundamental problem problem is the end goal and that's why none of us can agree.

If the argument was "what's the best way to control illegal immigration" then we can debate the most cost effective means to meet that goal. Do we focus on visa overstays, add more boarder guards, drones, walls, improve the efficiency of the deportation process, etc.

But when one side does not want to restrict illegal immigration, well we are at a fundamental impass aren't we.

It's one thing to argue how to best prepaid a future generation. "Hwy boys and girls need to be exposed to more then just firefighters and teachers as career choices", all sorts of modern technology driven skills are needed that k-12 completely fail to show kids.

Do higshchoolers or Liberal Arts kids have any idea what Supply Chain Artifical Intelligence is or how Block Chain impacts logistics?

If they did, they'd be making 6-figures day one graduation.

But arguing kids need to be raised gender neutral or should have a guaranteed income regardless if they choose to work...... Well there is no compromise there since that is a polar opposite goal.

People cry about how polar politics have become, but it's become that way because the goals are no longer the same.

And the leftist all around the world killed hundreds of millions of people in the 20th Century , and it's always been for the good of society, progress and equality. You just can't have those stinking right wing conservative rural folk getting in the fucking way.
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