Thread: STL Riots
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Old 08-26-2014, 10:46 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
What puzzles me still is exactly why the officer stopped Mike?
If I understand correctly the two guys where not crossing the street but walking in the middle of it. I don't find that two hard to believe as I see people doing that all the time around here after midnight in the downtown area.

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
and if it really because of "J-Walking", then maybe I need to start wearing a Kevlar vest the next time I walk across street illegally (which everyone, kids in school, "thugs", your mother, businessmen etc etc etc).
Or just don't kick the cops door and get in an argument with him when he tells you to "get the fuck out of the street".

That part of the story is not up for debate, both sides agree to what happening. The cop stopped, told them to "Get the fuck out of the street" and words then got exchanged. When the cop tried to get out of the door Brown kicked it back in and there was a tussle - now the Friend states the cop pulled Brown into the car and discharged his weapon trying to draw it on them, the cop argues Brown discharged his weapon when he reached in the car for for it.

Ballistics will be critical in this case. It will show the trajectory of the round inside the cop car, it will show at what angle the rounds hit Brown and how he was standing latter.

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
I'm starting to believe there was some racial profiling during this whole ordeal now. The "strong-arm robbery" to me is irrelevant at this point because the officer (which was said on TV) had no prior knowledge of this, nor it was radioed in by dispatch.
What is "Racial Profiling" about yelling at two guys to get out of the street? Do you think he would not have yelled at them had they been white, asian or latino?

The Cops knowledge of the robbery is actually very important, in that HE DIDN'T KNOW. Several experts have already stated that is what may have potentially made the situation dangerous and may have been why (if he did) Brown "attacked" the cop. Brown new of the robbery and had no way of knowing if the cop knew or not, this put Brown on edge. Not knowing Brown was "on edge" would mean the cop wasn't seeing this as a "Dangerous situation" and is why he engaged the two men so "casually".

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
But once again...I make all my accusations just from what I speculate. The truth is there but everyone is skewing the exact and real truth, to make it fit their agenda.
Thats why there is really no point getting upset until we see the actual recreation of events based on the forensic information. If the cop shot the fleeing brown before he turned around, casing placement, blood drops and entry wounds will show that. Entry wounds will also indicate which shots hit Brown and when and how Brown was standing in relation to the Cop.

It's hard to trust any wittiness. Obviously Browns friends and others may want the cop in jail... obviously the Cop doesn't want to go to jail.

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
have any of us experience racial profiling?
Yes, 1 88 U is assuming I'm white and therefore a racist.

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
have any of us lived in a socioeconomic deprived environment?

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
predominantly black low income/poor neighborhood? predominately Hispanic/white low income/poor neighborhoods?
27% Black, 14% Hispanic

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
Not sure I follow you on this one..

Originally Posted by HORShi View Post
Giving a judgement is very different from giving an opinion about something. This is what makes situations such as we have here, provoke hate amongst ourselves as the human race and bring out people's true colors in where they stand.
Neither should be aloud in this situation. Yours and Mine OPINIONS do not matter regarding the circumstances of Mr. Browns death. That is the problem, everyone has their half-baked ideas about what went down and are trying to fill the pieces of the story with their own bullshit projections. One side FEELs like the cop was out trolling for young black men to line up and murder in the streets for yucks and grins. The other side thinks cops can do no wrong and the fact that the cop shot Brown means Brown deserved to die.

This one is just for your I 88 U,

Should SLC be out protesting?

Interesting how the media fails to mention the cop was Black and the department is refusing to give up the body-cam footage...
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