Thread: STL Riots
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Old 08-20-2014, 03:36 AM   #6
Join Date: Aug 2009
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I read someone's comment on youtube about how in the long run this rioting is a good thing for America. Now I do not quite completely agree, but I understand his point.

Civil unrest is part of our duty, believe it or not. The government has been fucking everyone for way too long. By causing "chaos" from their actions, Ferguson demonstrated that they will not take government bull shit. However, I understand that this was essentially selfishly motivated to come up from looting.

But this reaction, I believe is better than none. It demonstrates to the government that people are still not afraid to stand up. If you anger the community, there will be a reaction. Reminds the police to think carefully about just wasting someone. Reminds the government to remember who their true boss is.

And feito, is it a good thing that a local college student was wrongfully shot and killed by a campus police officer and to not have a reaction?

Imagine if every time an innocent person was shot by the pigs and there was no reaction to it? They would think it is perfectly ok to go around killing people because people won't do anything.

I would definitely rather there be rioting, chaos, and looting than no reaction at all. That in the long run is better for America.

Of course, rioting could probably be done without looting. But I mean, if your a business owner, buy yourself a gun and shoot some fuckers trying to loot you. That will definitely make them think twice about hitting your store.
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