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Old 03-17-2012, 07:04 AM   #55
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 18
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Cooper. is an unknown quantity at this point
"you're from Australia. That alone is enough to warrant taking your own life.
says the one from the US. Stop being an ignorant asshole like everyone makes Americans out to be because of people like you and people might not think bad things. Yeah there's some really cool ones, but you, oh god, so far up his ass, it sickens me. Btw, I turn 9 in August, so that might explain why my grammar is not up to par. It says I'm 14 so I could register.

By the time you realize that the hair in my ear has more life experience than you've had sexual partners x2
0x2=0 , hurrr durr

I like it how you can't sense any of the sarcasm in my post yet you know I'm trolling. I'm trying to make my night less boring by posting here, I'm not trying to win any award for dick riding, I think you deserve that.

Anyway I'll refrain from shitting this thread up until I get a response from someone who matters and can response on a grammar level above 3rd grade.
But you still reply. It's people like you who were starved of attention as a child that make this planet not worth living on. Now you pick on 8 year olds and tell them to kill themself because they were born in a certain country and other, that is really low dude. You are not cool.
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