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Old 12-15-2011, 06:00 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by kingkilburn View Post
Without having read the thread I would ponder a question(fully knowing the answer myself).

How did Saddam come to power in the first place?

Much like the rest of our 20th century history, a lot of bloodshed could have been prevented if America had let well enough alone. Any reason for 9/11 could have been prevented if America had not backed a crazed sociopath.
Gigga what?

Saddam was in power long before we backed him against the fanatic Iranians.

We'll pick an authoritarian dictator who likes money over fanatic suicidal religious zelots any day!!

9/11 happend for many reasons.

The Failed Attempt of Secular terrorists to overthrow Israel. Originally groups like Black September would take hostages and make demands - Counter Terrorist groups began to crop up in the 60's - now they just killed your ass.

With these political based groups failing, religious ones filled the void. The Saudis encouraged fundamental Isalm to offset blame for their internal issues and stay in power. Iran is currently doing this - "its the US and the Jews fault life sucks, not ours."

Russia invades Afghanistan on behalf of the legitimate Afghan Government. Russia tries to "modernize" them - educate boys and girls, equal rights, you know things that don't sit well with fundamental Islamics. Jihad is declared and Jimmy Carter's plan to get back at Russia for Vietnam kicks into full swing.

We give money to Pakistan - who then gives it to terrorists, we give "freedom fighters" stinger missiles and training. Russia says "fuck it" levels the country, kills a few million and leaves. Afghanistan is in a civil war for the next 20 years between waring factions.

Iraq invades Kuit because Saddam is pissed no one is helping him pay his bills after his 11 year war with Iran. The Oil Countries are drowning in oil and won't cut him some slack. The US says "whatever you do, just make it quick because we can't have an oil crisis". He miss understood us.

Saudi Arabia is scared shitless, Saddam is trying to get his Arab brothers to back him by launching scuds at Israel.

Osama Binladin, returns from Afghanistan, a Saudi Prince, he was the hero who with his Muhadin throw out the Russians, now he wants to help the Saudi's throw out the Iraqis. Realizing if he brought his Army to Saudi Arabia, they would overthrow the King and take the country to the next level the Saudis say "Piss off, America Save Us".

We do - and Osama is forever pissed and trying to get even with us.

Over the past 30 Years the US also failed to address dozens of terrorist attacks. We treated them as "police matters".

World Trade Center truck bombing, Marine Barracks, Embassy Bombings, Yeman Embassy attack, the USS Cole, not to mention hundreds of bombings and attacks in Russia and Yugoslavia. - All Islamic Terrorist driven, and all tied into a greater terrorist network.

WE IGNORE IT ALL. Times were good and cared more about who Bill Clinton was porking and whether or not Janet Reno was a man and just who dangerous the Religious Right was. (Waco).

9/11 happens, OMG there are terrorist out there?!?! They don't like us?!?! Who is O-sama Bin-la-den? Is he that new handsome black senator from Chicago?

The rest is history.

Iran is out of control because we bumped off the their "counter balance", Saddam. He was trying to develop nukes, but unfortunately he was doing it to nuke Iran, not the US or Israel.

Should we have invaded Iraq? No - but Saddam was a familiar name and we wanted to kick ass and get even cause of 9/11.

Lastly - the only good thing about the Middle East anymore... IDF Girls.
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