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deadghost is a jewel in the roughdeadghost is a jewel in the roughdeadghost is a jewel in the roughdeadghost is a jewel in the roughdeadghost is a jewel in the roughdeadghost is a jewel in the roughdeadghost is a jewel in the roughdeadghost is a jewel in the rough

deadghost deadghost is offline

Zilvia FREAK!

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
  1. ZENYA
    11-28-2018 06:31 PM
    Do you still have the bride zeros from 2014? Are you willing to sell it?
  2. Touge Noob S13
    04-22-2011 11:44 AM
    Touge Noob S13
    The problems I'm having might possibly be fuel related (FPR or injectors). Two of my plugs are getting fouled with gas and the car has a hard time starting up in the morning.
  3. Touge Noob S13
    04-21-2011 01:49 PM
    Touge Noob S13
    Thanks dude but I just recently got an SR and I'm still working out the bugs lol.
  4. Touge Noob S13
    10-26-2010 12:25 PM
    Touge Noob S13
    Macross F movie? I had no clue they were making one.
  5. Touge Noob S13
    05-25-2010 01:33 AM
    Touge Noob S13
    Nah, I haven't had time to watch any anime because of school. I need to catch up lol.
  6. DreEzed
    03-20-2010 03:10 PM
    no ive been lazy and haven't painted the bumper yet.
    Also I need new coils so things haven't really been moving. sorry when i do finish my car ill post up on the thread.
  7. sldewyz
    01-23-2010 01:00 PM
    how much would u want to spend on the 5 lug swap. i have all four hubs if u want them.
  8. kpc_0721
    11-06-2009 12:51 PM
    Yo your inbox is full. Sending you a email about the wheel.
  9. coww-cho!!!!!
    10-14-2009 11:12 PM
    i posted about your question in my for sale thread =D
  10. kuelee
    08-05-2009 12:56 PM
    Khal i bought ur kit..its on but i dont have time to put up pictures...it looks ok..did u get a s14? if u did, man that looks sweet...does those brembo's go on s13?

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    IG Holy_khal


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  • Last Activity: 04-01-2023 04:46 AM
  • Join Date: 08-26-2007
  • Referrals: 0


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