Zilvia.net Forums | Nissan 240SX (Silvia) and Z (Fairlady) Car Forum

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Sub-Forums : General
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Chat (208 Viewing)
General Discussion About The Nissan 240SX and Nissan Z Cars
40,615 1,067,426
Stolen Goods (2 Viewing)
Report stolen cars, parts, girlfriends, etc.
by brndck
06-01-2023 10:27 AM Go to last post
476 9,144
Got a build thread? It goes here, build threads anywhere else on the forum will be locked and never moved.
1,190 84,632
Tech Talk (308 Viewing)
Technical Discussion About The Nissan 240SX and Nissan Z Cars
Yesterday 08:25 PM Go to last post
82,489 712,097
Engine Tech (35 Viewing)
Technical discussion related to all relevant engines such as KA, SR, RB, CA, 2JZ , L24/26/28, VG, VQ, and LSx series.
by jedi03
01-22-2025 11:20 AM Go to last post
10,498 86,519
S Chassis (48 Viewing)
Technical discussion related to the S Chassis such as the S12, S13, S14, and S15.
Yesterday 08:25 PM Go to last post
12,482 82,820
Z Chassis (2 Viewing)
Technical discussion related to the Z Chassis such as the S30, S310, Z31, Z32, Z33 and Z34.
02-23-2024 01:22 AM Go to last post
486 3,604
R Chassis (2 Viewing)
Technical discussion related to the R Chassis such as the R31, R32, R33, R34, and R35.
by tunermt
02-10-2024 03:27 AM Go to last post
19 218
P/G/Q Chassis (1 Viewing)
Technical discussion related to the P/G/Q Chassis such as the P10, P11, G35, G37, Q40, Q50, and Q60.
07-02-2020 06:51 AM Go to last post
2 9
Discussion for Organized Racing and motorsports and tips and techniques at becoming a better driver.
by ZK
01-21-2025 05:55 PM Go to last post
2,081 72,922
Exclusive forum for Premium Members, Mods, Admin's.
Private 5,290 223,128
Membership has its privileges! Hook your fellow Premium Members up, or look for hookups here.
Private 1,717 11,470
Submit new tech articles for submission into FAQ/Archive. Excellent articles will merit the submitter additional months of membership, and Outstanding articles could result in an additional year!
Private 10 86
Showcase your builds here! Excellent builds will be featured on the main page! If you have a build in progress, you can post it here, but put *DO NOT POST* in the title, so other users won't mess it up. The idea here is to have the entire thread be posted by you, no other users.
Private 196 8,165
Nissan News (3 Viewing)
Nissan related news about the 240sx, Silvia, Z cars, or anything that may be of interest to Zilvia.net
by RoxyPer
02-26-2024 05:03 AM Go to last post
688 6,167

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