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Conversation Between RB24_S14 and RurouniMidnight
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. RB24_S14
    01-25-2010 08:14 PM
    haha thanks man! yea the reason I bought that aerokit was because of your car. I think I saw it on hellaflush.
  2. RurouniMidnight
    01-25-2010 07:23 PM
    Ohh ok thats your car, awsome i really love you car man its one of my favorite looking zenkis and the motor is really nice, i showed my friend thats building a 1jz white zenki pics of your car before for inspiration haha. So your going kouki now thats cool it will look really good i love the type 1 kit.
  3. RB24_S14
    01-25-2010 07:05 PM
    Yea I do but when it was a zenki. I just got the parts. I test fit them but havent actually bolted them up..
    Picasa Web Albums - javieraguilar91_69 - 1996 Nissan S...
  4. RurouniMidnight
    01-25-2010 06:58 PM
    sweet deal! haha, do you have any pics of your car.
  5. RB24_S14
    01-25-2010 06:34 PM
    You have a sick ride!. I have the same hood but its in carbon fiber and aero kit you have. LOL. You have good taste!

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