View Full Version : Driving Lines

07-28-2005, 10:19 AM
I've been to a couple track events and I've always had some skill in taking proper driving lines. My instructors were always impressed on how quickly I can pick up the line and follow it (then proceed to tell me how shitty my heel-toe techique is).

I've been to a few drift events where I feel comfortable enough with the car that I'm starting to concentrate more on early initiation and following a proper racing line. I make it a point to try to get my front lip as close to the apex cone as possible.

However there are some people that will go out at like 100mph and take the fucking WIDEST line possible. They'll make tons of smoke and it will "showy" but they're so far off course they're practically in the next lot! The drift is so much power over they're about 400 meters away from the corner exit and make EVERY corner, no matter how small, into a giant sweeper.


07-28-2005, 10:41 AM
enter as fast as early as you can, and try to slide in a straight line - either initiate the drift in teh other direction then bring it back, or lock up all 4 wheels while sliding in a straight line through your braking zone, then slide towards the apex scrubbing off speed - then come on the throttle and just slide for as long as you possibly can ending up on the outside

that to me, would be a perfect drift

07-28-2005, 11:06 AM
Those people who take a wide apex are either afraid of hurting their car or don't have any skill at all and think just becase they made it around they are cool. I'll give it up if a noob can drift without crashing or whatever but when you see someone who's been doing it for a while then it's just looks retarded and means they don't even know what an apex is.

08-03-2005, 04:12 PM
that's what happens when people only do parkinglot events

drift on a track with those guys...i guarantee you'll see them being the ones that spin and go off course because they dont know how to take a corner properly