05-29-2005, 06:00 PM
This section is for all Zilvia advertisers to post their Sales and Specials. The same guidelines as for the GroupBuys section applies.
Advertisers are permitted to have three active Sales or Specials running simultaneously
Once a Sale or Special is no longer active, the thread should be closed
Limit your images to a width no greater than 400px in order to conform to the homepage
No bumping your threads! We will close a thread that has obvious bumping
We will be migrating any advertiser Sales/Specials that are currently listed under the GroupBuy section to this new area over the next few days.
Expired Group Buy / Advertisement Users
Once your Group Buy or Advertisement status has Expired, you will not be able to post in your own threads until your Group Buy or Advertisement status is reactivated.
Advertisers are permitted to have three active Sales or Specials running simultaneously
Once a Sale or Special is no longer active, the thread should be closed
Limit your images to a width no greater than 400px in order to conform to the homepage
No bumping your threads! We will close a thread that has obvious bumping
We will be migrating any advertiser Sales/Specials that are currently listed under the GroupBuy section to this new area over the next few days.
Expired Group Buy / Advertisement Users
Once your Group Buy or Advertisement status has Expired, you will not be able to post in your own threads until your Group Buy or Advertisement status is reactivated.