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01-05-2005, 12:05 AM
What is the most embarrassing moments in your life?...cmon! tell it! ill tell you mine...

In second grade, i shat in my pants because i didnt want to go to the public restroom because it was pathetically filthy. Teacher sent me to the office and my bigger brother picked me up. :D

01-05-2005, 12:17 AM
i think it was when i was like 6 or 7 and i went to a pizza party with my god-sister for her baseball team. I was wearing overalls and i had them on the cool way (at the time) with only one strap clipped and half way into the restaurant the little clip decided to break. I was standing in the middle of the place with my pants at my ankles! Luckily i had my awesome sauce mario brother's whitey tighties on so atleast i kept SOME of my cool factor. hahahaha :rofl:

Its funny as heck to me now, but at the time, maaaaan was i embarassed!

01-05-2005, 12:30 AM
humm i cant really think of any embarrasing moment but i know i have plenty i just have to think about them first.

01-05-2005, 12:31 AM
I was with my friend @ starbucks...and i was checkin out this MILF. And it turns out my friend knows her(my friend is like 38 years old) So it was a really hot day. And she came up and started talking to him. And one of the last things she said before she walked away was "it's really hot." I mumbled under my breath "Is it moist too?" as a joke to my friend. And he waves her back over. And he's like "He wants to know if it's moist too"

01-05-2005, 12:33 AM
I was with my friend @ starbucks...and i was checkin out this MILF. And it turns out my friend knows her(my friend is like 38 years old) So it was a really hot day. And she came up and started talking to him. And one of the last things she said before she walked away was "it's really hot." I mumbled under my breath "Is it moist too?" as a joke to my friend. And he waves her back over. And he's like "He wants to know if it's moist too"

holy crap!!! hahahahaha

What happened after that!? C'mon dude, you gotta finish that one!

01-05-2005, 12:37 AM
:bite: <--that's what happened.

She came up and said "that's not very polite" and walked away.

That was the end of it. My friend was laughing about it but i was pretty embarassed.

01-05-2005, 12:44 AM
Ouch! :Owned:

I think you've got 1st place for most embarassing moment so far!

01-05-2005, 08:44 AM
LMAO!!!!!!!!! Thats fuckin' hilarious! I can't stop laughing my bum off and I am at work right now..............Teh win!

01-05-2005, 11:59 AM
hold on

I was checking out this girl at work ( i work in American Eagle) and her mom was paying for her stuff...she looks up at me and goes "isnt she pretty?" im standing there like shit man....she procedes to ask me how old i think her daughter is, and then she starts telling me about where she goes to school and such...

Andrew Bohan
01-05-2005, 12:03 PM
lol @ var

01-05-2005, 12:08 PM
hahahahah....i'm sure it was moist too.

01-05-2005, 10:17 PM
one of my friends found out I post on zilvia, and told my other friends, it was soo embarrassing

:angel: :wavey:

01-05-2005, 11:53 PM
All through high school, I drove like the safe driver I am. Then, during the last week of school, I had this BRILLIANT idea: I would bring water and bleach (which I heard was good for doing burnouts) and do a burnout in the middle of autoshop. With teachers watching.

I tried, I failed. My Bimmer didn't even lose traction, and I felt like an ass. Still do, actually. In fact, my face is red as I write this. Damn, that was stupid. I wish I could take it back.

01-06-2005, 12:59 AM
My life has been full of embarrassing moments, so it is hard to say witch is the “most” embarrassing. With that said, I could only offer the most resent.

So a little history is needed for this story. I have not lived at home or, really in reach of any of my family in like 5 years. This year I moved back home w/ my mom for a bit. For Christmas my grandmother came out from Colorado for a week or so to visit the family. Now I have only seen my grandmother twice in these 5 years I’ve been on my own, so I decided to hang out w/ her for the week she was here. I also have a Gay uncle who has a life mate. Who I have not seen in 7 or 8 years (good guy by the way) he owns a quilt shop in OC (like the show OC) that he and his life mate run with two other gay men.

To the embarrassing part: me and grandma go to the quilt shop to say hi, and my grandmother and my (okay he’s my great uncle) uncle are talking and I get board and I start playing w/ my key chain, that just happens to have a tiny pair of hand cuffs on it. My uncle stops looks at me and asks, “what are those?” I said "tiny hand cuffs" he said "and where did you get these tiny hand cuffs?" I say “my girlfriend gave them to me” (not thinking that this would not end well) he said “and witch one of you are they for?” Then I start to realize that I’m in a room full of gay men that are all into S & M, asking me about my sexual practices, and it just didn’t seem “safe” to me. I replied after turning beat red “ they are for her”, then he asks if I was the dominate type or if was I both, and I just couldn’t answer. My uncle was nice and let it rest there with a simple “I could always get Joey” and a good chuckle from the gay guys, and of course my grandma laughing he ass off at me as well. After we leave just to pour salt on an open wound, grandma says to me “ya know, they do all that S & M stuff so they could give you pointers if you need” I said “thanks but, a no.”

I guess to a lot of you this wouldn’t be that embarrassing, but I don’t talk that well about certain things w/ certain people, my family being those people and sex being what I don’t talk well about w/ family. My uncle being gay doesn’t bother me as much as it sounds its more the fact that I don’t know him at all. I’ve only seen him a few times in my life so I’m really not that comfortable w/ him. Anyhow that’s my story since shit like this happens to me to often to remember most of it, this had to be a good one.
Sorry so long.

01-06-2005, 06:35 AM
Everbody has that one gay/molester/convict uncle....

01-06-2005, 09:27 AM
I'm a tall clutz with high arches and small ankles. I fall a lot.

01-06-2005, 09:43 AM
Ok, this was about a year ago, but I brought this chick back to my house one morning (i live with my parents). My parents were both at work, but for some reason, my dad decided to come home early. Well, i was going at it pretty hard with that chick and my dad comes home. I didn't hear him come in and he walks into my room and sees whats going on and then shuts the door real fast (i'm still clueless he is there). Then he calls my mom (i still don't know why he did this) and tells her to come home. Well, she comes home and I am still doing it and they are waiting outside our house for me to finish. They were waiting out there for like half an hour before we finish, and then when we do finish I hear our front door slam. But, my parents were cool about it and my dad had a huge smile on his face the entire time he was lecturing me on why I shouldn't be doing it in their house.

01-06-2005, 10:52 AM
hahaha, he was prolly thinkin "that's ma boy!" but had to be the "responsible adult".

01-06-2005, 11:14 AM
^^^ Exaclty, he wanted to take you out for a beer, but he knew your mom would kick his ass.

Anyway, when I was in 6th grade I jumped off a set of bleachers outside my school during lunch break and split my fucking pants from the crotch to my belt loop, in front of basically my entire class. That was emberassing, I had to do the walk of shame, holding the ass of my pants together, all the way to the office till my sister dropped off a new pair of pants. And to top it all off, the girl I had a huge crush on at the time was one of the first ones I saw giggling at me. Man that stung...

01-08-2005, 06:45 PM
my girlfriend and i were at her house for after drinks and such on thanksgiving (we're both 18). keep in mind i've met her parents maybe three or four times before (Dating only for about 2 months). Her family was there, including her lesbian aunt and accompanying "partner"... we're all wasted and i decided it would be funny to tell my girlfriend (secretively) a joke that invovled the punch line "muff divers" well, to say the least she's blonde, and screams out (drunkenly) "does anyone know what a muff diver is?! Ryan told me a joke and i assume its funny, i just don't get it."

needless to say i turned the color of a dixie cup but was immediatly embraced by histarical laughter so it was ok, just extremely embarassing haha.

01-08-2005, 07:54 PM
is not really embarassing but its funny.
i fell asleep while taking a shit.

01-08-2005, 09:23 PM
hahaha well heres my story...it happened in 8th grade. I had this 24yr old history teacher and she was pretty damn hot and I was supposed to be takin notes but somehow the hormones started kickin and got a boner. Then of the blue she called me up to the board to make sure I was listening (of all people why me?!) and as I stood up I saw my woody pointed straight out and there was no way in hell I could have hidden it. I had no sweater or jacket either (school uniforms were in effect..blah). So I was at the board with this boner and my face was way too red and heard lots of giggles and shit. Then she excused me to go to the bathroom. Well theres my story...

01-09-2005, 03:32 AM
is not really embarassing but its funny.
i fell asleep while taking a shit.

I gotta story simular to that too. My friend had to sneak in and out of his house to go out back in high school because the parents were pretty strict. (my friend used to be a pretty round n heavy guy back in highschool) so this one time, he decides to leave the bathroom window slightly open for him to sneak back in. So we all came back from a rave and we drop him off and left.

He called back the next day and was telling us aboutr what happen when he tried to sneak back in from the bathroom window...

So hes trying to climb in and then suddenly he gets stuck! He told us he tried for about an hour trying push his fatass through but had no hope. so after about an hour of trying, he falls a sleep. legs half way out of the window and upper body half way in.

In the morning, His mom goes into the bathroom to wash up and sees him. she screams and thought he died or something! his dad and his mom had to help him out. the poor bastard got busted lol.

01-09-2005, 06:14 AM
Back when I used to work at Office Depot I had this co-worker who was a very friendly guy. He was always asking you how you were doing and about your day etc. etc.

Well one day he comes into work very quiet without saying hello to anyone. This kinda disturbed me because it was very unlike him. "maybe something is wrong." i thought. So during recovery at the end of the day I walk over to him and ask him if everything is all-right.

Me: "Hey Mike. Are you okay man? You seem disturbed today."

Mike: *sigh* "...today my 3 year old son asked me why his penis was different from mine."

Me: *deer in headlights look in face* (I wasn't expecting that response)

Mike: "sorry to dump this on you...but you see i didn't circumsize my youngest son. And i've always been worried about the day he would realize that his penis was different from my other sons and mine. Well today was that day. I was giving him a bath before work and he looked up at me and asked me, "Dad, why is my penis different from yours?" I really don't want him to grow up with some inferiority complex or something. yanno. I just didn't know what to say to him and i'm kinda kicking myself for failing at the moment.

Me: I was scrambling for something to say to comfort him. Finally i said, "It's gonna be all-right man. I went through the same thing, you see. One day I was giving my nephew Jeremy a bath and he looked up at me and asked, "Uncle Ernest why is my penis different from yours?"

Mike: *anxious* "well whaddya say?"

Me: I told him "Well Jeremy, yours isn't erect."

Note: this story is actually a joke i got off a comedian...it's just funnier if you tell it in the first person. ;)

01-09-2005, 10:23 AM
hahaha well heres my story...it happened in 8th grade. I had this 24yr old history teacher and she was pretty damn hot and I was supposed to be takin notes but somehow the hormones started kickin and got a boner. Then of the blue she called me up to the board to make sure I was listening (of all people why me?!) and as I stood up I saw my woody pointed straight out and there was no way in hell I could have hidden it. I had no sweater or jacket either (school uniforms were in effect..blah). So I was at the board with this boner and my face was way too red and heard lots of giggles and shit. Then she excused me to go to the bathroom. Well theres my story...

Hah hah,okay this reminds me of something that was pretty embarrassing to me,and I was about the same age. I used to be in a threatre touring group(fun+paid well),and we went to different schools performing and whatnot,but we always did a show for family/freinds. I never really had a problem with boners before,because littles kids,and schools smell like shit ...and I'm not Micheal Jackson or anything. Anyway,during the show where ALL of my family and freinds are at. My role is a 'story teller' so I chill at this table the whole show telling you whats happeneing. My custom was a black long sleeve shirt,and black atheletic pants.....I see this REALLY hot chick sitting in like the second row,with a skirt on....ANyway,the one time I Am supposed to walk around the table to the middle of stage is right after I see her,so there is no way I could hide my boner,I just had to keep going...

After the show I ended up being introduced to her,and she said her first impression of me was "whoa,big ass boner" . :rolleyes:

01-09-2005, 10:44 AM
Never had an embarrassing moment, see I am absolutely perfect and I can walk on water too

01-09-2005, 11:07 AM
The guy who cuts my hair (who happens to be gay) was having this picnic and my mom was going and wanted me to go. So I brought my own car, you know, just so I can hang around and eat all the food and leave after awhile, plus biohazard was gonna be there and I wanted to check out this guys old caddilac collection. I'm not even there 10 mins and I get hit on by every one of this guys really really gay friends.
"heyyyy you're cute"
"Do you work out? You must work out."
"You like girls? Eyyy girls are boring guys do it better!"

And the whole time my moms sitting right there laughing and getting a kick outta this.