View Full Version : SR20det heat issue

11-05-2016, 12:22 PM
I've been breaking in my motor since I got it rebuilt and I notice the temp gauge goes up when I park it shut off my car and start it back up again. Then when I start driving again the temp gauge goes back down to normal. I have an electrical fan installed and new water pump. So when I park it the engines not cooling down what could cause that issue?

11-05-2016, 05:02 PM
Unless you have very good shrouding on the fans/rad electric fans are notorious for underperforming compared to a clutch fan.

Did you make sure all the air was bleed out of the cooling system?

11-05-2016, 06:24 PM
Ok... no I haven't tried bleeding it yet I was reading some of the other threads and was going to try that next

11-06-2016, 05:09 AM
Ok... no I haven't tried bleeding it yet I was reading some of the other threads and was going to try that next

Your problems are invalid until you have completed a proper cooling system bleed. Anytime the cooling system is drained it must be fully bled upon refilling.