View Full Version : S13 coupe sunroof glass, and questions

04-09-2015, 09:22 AM
Im looking for a coupe sunroof glass i have a 1990 coupe with power everything

would like to know if these were used on any other nissans i did a search and i believe the part number is 73612M
(corrrect me if im wrong)

was this part used on anyother car? i read maybe the b11 sentra?

Also my regulator on my sunroof clicks after its fully opened or fully closed, i read it has something to with the "clutch"

searches seem to bring up endless threads of "WTB coupe sunroof glass"

any information you have on the coupe sunroof glass is greatly appreciated relevant to my questions or not. Knowledge is power!

04-09-2015, 09:37 AM
I have some sunroof glass in good shape from a coupe, I'm out in chicago.

04-09-2015, 09:38 AM
how much were you asking? and what part of chicago?