View Full Version : S13, very specific blinker issue

Faded Red
03-08-2015, 09:10 PM
So I tried searching and couldn't find anything, my problem seems to be very specific.

So, the LEFT (only left) blinker is/isn't working.

Basically, I turn the left blinker on, no indicator light on dash, just rapid indicator light sound. Hazards work perfectly for both sides, and I replaced the bulb

The front indicator on the car is flashing rapidly, and the rear indicator isn't working at all.

Now here's what throws me off.

If I go over a random bump, or the car gets jarred, the indicator on the dash, the rear indicator light, and front will work perfectly fine, like nothing ever happened.

BTW, car is 100% stock, no dumb mods that could cause this

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

03-08-2015, 09:24 PM
One light flashing quickly while the other is out makes sense, in that situation one of the bulbs isn't connected, whether its the bulb seated in the socket or the several wire connections between the switch and the bulb, there's a break somewhere.

Going over a bump? it moves something and the connection is made successful. So what you'll need to do is check every connection between the steering column to the bulb for loose plugs or damage to the wires.

Hearing the clicking would mean the switch and the flasher module are working but something between that and the bulb is still loose/damaged.