View Full Version : knock sensor?

07-26-2004, 03:01 AM
on top of the bell housing on the tranny for the s14.. there is a knock sensor.. i just swaped a s13 ka into my my s14... s13tranny and block... but my car isnt starting... is this knock sensor making my car not start? it will start... and run really rough... and i have to keep my foot on the gas to keep it on... but if i let my foot off the gas it dies... thanks for anyhelp..

07-26-2004, 03:44 AM
it's not a knock sensor, it's a crank angle sensor. if you expect your car to run right, you might want to drill a hole thru your new tranny's bellhousing and dorp that sensor in.

07-26-2004, 04:42 AM
it's not a knock sensor, it's a crank angle sensor. if you expect your car to run right, you might want to drill a hole thru your new tranny's bellhousing and dorp that sensor in.

my bad.. i ment crank... iv been up for a couple days.... thanks man... what exactly does it do?... for some reason i cant find it in the FSM...

07-26-2004, 04:49 AM
crank angle sensor = it tells the ecu what 'angle' the crank is at. Essentially, it's just a tool to keep your timing spot-on. making sure your ecu is firing the coil when it should be.