View Full Version : Does this work

07-17-2004, 11:28 PM
ok so im new here and i have pretty much everthing i need for my ka-t sitting in my room. I was searching threw the forums and all that to see tips and things i can do to make the install easier and i came across this post (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=20007&highlight)

Now this post is rather old and as you can see some of the things are all coded and all that. anyways what i was wondering about was the third reply in this post. The guy says he is using his dip stick (or the hole where the dip stick was im guessing) to return the oil? Now in that reply after i also see a smiley and all that so im wonder was this guy just messing with the guy or does this actually work? If it does work what are the draw backs, if any, of doing this other than not being able to check your oil??

While im on the topic of my turbo i guess i should ask this. Im going to be using a 8:1 FMU with a walbro 255 pump. Do you guys think this will be way to much for 7 psi?? If you do what do you think about using a bleeder valve in between the lines of the fmu to tone it down a bit? and how do you actually do this? Also does this work lol?

Thanks for any help anyone can give and also if anyone is running a t3 or ihi turbo from a ford can you please pm with some pics or infon on how you ran your downpipe .. thanks everyone