View Full Version : Swirl Pot leaking. PLEASE Help.

11-15-2013, 09:51 PM
I have a question for you guys.

I got the Greddy swirl pot and I'm running the Greddy cap it came with (1.3kpg). When I fill up my radiator with what I believe to be the right level of coolant and turn the car on, coolant starts pouring out of the bottom hose of the Greddy swirl pot. So, I tightened the hose clamp down a little more and put grey RTV on it and it still leaks when the cars running...When its off the leaking slowly stops.

I'm thinking I might need a new cap that opens under less pressure so the coolant can go to my catch can instead of being rejected and forced out the bottom hose of the greddy can (swirl pot). My catch can for the swirl pot has barely ANY coolant in it so instead of coolant overflowing from the swirl pot into the catch can next to it, its deciding to force its self out of the bottom port on my greddy swirl pot unit.

Swirl cap opens at 1.3
Radiator cap opens at .9 (pretty sure, have to double check)

Then I thought I could switch the two caps but thought the same thing might happen to the radiator and possibly start blowing coolant out of other weird places.

Can I switch the (.9kpg) radiator cap with the (1.3kpg) swirl pot cap? or should I get a cap for the swirl pot that doesnt open under any pressure. basically a radiator cap that doesnt require any pressure to pop open.

11-16-2013, 01:40 PM
Umm...you're not supposed to have a radiator cap on the radiator if you're running a swirl pot. That cap is supposed to be a pass thru with no pressure. Only pressurized cap you have should only be on the swirl pot.

But if its leaking under the pot when it pressurizes, you have a bad swirl pot. You got 2 options, buy another pot or get the leaky one welded closed.

11-18-2013, 09:44 AM
what cap goes on the radiator when using a swirl pot.

11-18-2013, 09:54 AM
what cap goes on the radiator when using a swirl pot.

Greddy includes a "Blank" cap with no spring.

Also, OP you should be filling the system via the swirl pot not the radiator, and the swirl pot should be the highest point in the system.

11-18-2013, 11:13 AM

11-19-2013, 09:26 AM
Umm...you're not supposed to have a radiator cap on the radiator if you're running a swirl pot. That cap is supposed to be a pass thru with no pressure. Only pressurized cap you have should only be on the swirl pot.

But if its leaking under the pot when it pressurizes, you have a bad swirl pot. You got 2 options, buy another pot or get the leaky one welded closed.

Thanks man! that was all I needed to hear. Its only leaking out of the bottom of the swirl pot because I have the 1.3kpg cap on there.

Greddy includes a "Blank" cap with no spring.

Also, OP you should be filling the system via the swirl pot not the radiator, and the swirl pot should be the highest point in the system.

I got all that figured out already, I was mainly seeing if it was possible to use the 1.3kpg greddy cap my greddy siwlr pot came with, but I got it all figured out now. I appreciate everything buddy!

So, non pressurized cap on the radiator and move the .9 kpg radiator cap to the swirl pot and I should be good. Thanks again guys.

11-26-2013, 07:44 PM
You need to use the 1.3 bar cap. It comes with it for a reason. Let me elaborate. Forget the swirl pot lets just look at stock system. The pressurized cap needs to be at the highest point in the cooling system, otherwise air will not bleed out correctly. Now. Say you have a .9 bar cap on. That does not mean the WHOLE system will be at .9 bar. The farthest part of the cooling system will have least amount of pressure. So say at the cap it's .9 it could be .6 somewhere else in the block. Now let's add the swirl pot. Yes it constantly bleeds the system. However it's useless if it's not the highest point. So make sure it is. Second, your adding "distance" to the cooling system. So now instead of the farthest point being .6 it's not .4 (again I'm just throwing number). So they give you a higher pressure cap to compensate for it. Now that that's clear, if your running a .9 bar cap and are just driving normal I doubt itl really be an issue, however it WILL cause your coolant to boil when abusing it. As for your leak, fix it. Don't use rtv. Either weld or use jb weld if you have to or get another pot. If a metal tank that's supposed to be sealed cannot handle 1.3 bar thats an issue. I'd fix that ASAP

11-26-2013, 08:00 PM
I always pressure test cooling systems to 20psi.
If your leaking at 1.3 bar = about 18psi, that is no good. Putting a lower cap on and if it doesn't leak now, your just assuming everything is fine. It's not. Sooner or later it will start leaking at lower pressure.

11-30-2013, 04:24 PM
You need to use the 1.3 bar cap. It comes with it for a reason. Let me elaborate. Forget the swirl pot lets just look at stock system. The pressurized cap needs to be at the highest point in the cooling system, otherwise air will not bleed out correctly. Now. Say you have a .9 bar cap on. That does not mean the WHOLE system will be at .9 bar. The farthest part of the cooling system will have least amount of pressure. So say at the cap it's .9 it could be .6 somewhere else in the block. Now let's add the swirl pot. Yes it constantly bleeds the system. However it's useless if it's not the highest point. So make sure it is. Second, your adding "distance" to the cooling system. So now instead of the farthest point being .6 it's not .4 (again I'm just throwing number). So they give you a higher pressure cap to compensate for it. Now that that's clear, if your running a .9 bar cap and are just driving normal I doubt itl really be an issue, however it WILL cause your coolant to boil when abusing it. As for your leak, fix it. Don't use rtv. Either weld or use jb weld if you have to or get another pot. If a metal tank that's supposed to be sealed cannot handle 1.3 bar thats an issue. I'd fix that ASAP

The pot isnt leaking. the pot is 100% fine. I was running the 1.3 cap on the swirl pot and there wasnt enough pressure in the system to po pthe cap open and coolant would leak out of the hose only when the motors running.

So youre saying put my non pressurized cap on my radiator (which it is now that I bought one) and run the 1.3kpg cap on my swirl pot, correct?

12-17-2013, 02:21 PM
^^^^ Yup Yup.

12-17-2013, 02:29 PM
can't believe this thread is still going lol

12-17-2013, 09:06 PM
so if the pot isnt leaking then the hose is? im not following you anymore

12-17-2013, 09:34 PM
so if the pot isn't leaking then the hose is? im not following you anymore

The hose that connects to the bottom of the pot. coolant was coming out of the hose even though it was clamped because I was running a 1.3kpg cap on my radiator instead of a non pressurized cap. Its running the correct way now and it isn't leaking anymore.

12-17-2013, 11:35 PM
gotcha msglength