View Full Version : S13 sr turbo lines

10-03-2013, 12:51 PM
Im trying to understand the turbo lines
Its hard to when you dont have them in your hands
I went on google and looked at pics of braided lines
Finally found out the oil restrictor size for ball bearing turbos

I have a t25 right but will upgrade to my s15 t28 later down the road

-Can i buy any turbo line kit and it will work on both turbos beside installing a .035 oil restrictor for the t28
-Does the restrictor bolt act as the banjo or do i have to get a nut for it?
-what brand restictor should i go with?
-cs or isis lines?

Thank you for your time

10-03-2013, 10:37 PM
A set of braided lines will work with both the T25 and S15 Turbo.

-Does the restrictor bolt act as the banjo or do i have to get a nut for it?

I don't know what you mean by this, but from what I understand, the factory oil feed banjo bolt at the engine block of an S13 SR has a restrictor sized for the journal bearing T25. On my ball bearing turbo, I am using that banjo bolt in combination with a restrictor fitting at the end of the feed line.

I have the DIF lines from FRSport, they are made with Goodridge fittings. Got the restrictor from them also.

10-03-2013, 11:13 PM
My restrictive threads into the turbo , and provides and an fitting for my turbo line.
Presto chango!

10-04-2013, 06:11 AM
Thank you for clearing it up for me

Pic of oil restrictor
DIF 10016 Turbo Oil Restrictor -3AN to 7/16-24 (.04" Oil Hole Size) (http://www.frsport.com/Turbo-Oil-Restrictor--3AN-to-7-16-24---04--Oil-Hole-Size-_p_16397.html)

Pic of turbo lines
DIF 10047 Bottom Mount Forged Turbo Coolant/Oil Lines Kit S13 SR20DET (http://www.frsport.com/Bottom-Mount-Forged-Turbo-Coolant-Oil-Lines-Kit-S13-SR20DET_p_15434.html)

The shortest line is for the oil feed correct?
The circle fitting uses a banjo to the block correct?
The L shape is where you insert the restrictor and bolt to top of turbo right?