View Full Version : WTB: Z32 2 + 2 e-brake line BRACKET

08-05-2013, 11:10 AM
Anyone know where I can get a pair of these brackets that allow me to easily install the Z32 2 + 2 e-brake lines on my S13 hatch? I searched (I have proof <---- this should always be required to prevent useless posts that claim "I searched...") around and found three different posts (two from the same person, Driven08). I currently don't have the tools to fabricate a pair, and I know it is important to get them precise, so I'm not going to just grab pieces of sheet metal and drill holes into them. If I have to, Ill try to fabricate my own, but I just want to make sure there are no other reliable people I can get them from before I try to make my own.

Already contacted driven08; says he doesn't make them anymore and could only suggest eBay, which sells brackets that are really weak:

S13 2+2 Z32 E-Brake Cable Brackets : Brakes / Suspension (for sale) (http://forums.nicoclub.com/s13-2-2-z32-e-brake-cable-brackets-t555540.html)

S13 to Z32 2+2 E-Brake Brackets & S-Chassis Eccentric Lockou : Fabricators' Market (http://forums.nicoclub.com/s13-to-z32-2-2-e-brake-brackets-s-chassis-eccentric-lockou-t569431.html)

Currently asking carmo from Nicoclub, waiting for his email:

Z32 to S13 E-brake cable adapters : Fabricators' Market (http://forums.nicoclub.com/z32-to-s13-e-brake-cable-adapters-t369266.html)

I doubt carmo will have any, seeing that he posted that 5 years (damn, 5 years!! lol) ago.

Thanks guys.

08-05-2013, 12:54 PM
Google: http://www.google.com/#bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=d625c2ca3620bf85&hl=en&q=Z32+ebrake+extension+brackets&safe=active&tbm=shop

240sx 180sx 300zx z32 Ebrake Assembly cable brackets on eBay! (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-117182-37290-0/2?ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=324272&mtid=1588&kwid=1&crlp=31157595969_324272&icep_item_id=251273209827&itemid=251273209827&icep_meta_categ_id=6000&icep_etrs=N&icep_epid=-999&icep_ctlg=-999&icep_cond=New&targetid=25330115889&rpc=0.06&rpc_upld_id=14771&device=c&icep_cbt=n&icep_msku_flag=n&adtype=pla&gclid=CPXj1K395rgCFUPl7AodgXcASg)

^^These are the ones I got. Worked perfectly...


BTW you posted this in the wrong section. It should have went into the marketplace, the small questions thread or Off-topic chat.

08-05-2013, 03:03 PM
Hey Mikester,

I know I said the guy told me that eBay ones were weak, but since you claim they're working well and even provided me with a picture from your own car, I think I'll be purchasing them right now. Really need them. Thanks a lot for the link and picture; couldn't ask for more.

And sorry about posting in the wrong section; I'll be sure to be more careful next time. If there's any way I could move this thread to the marketplace, I totally would.

Thanks again.

08-05-2013, 04:13 PM
i have the ebay ones and they are pretty weak, they flex when you pull the ebrake hard. i had my fabricator weld an additonal piece of steel between the bracket and the body of the car to reinforce the setup. i use my car for drifting so that was important for me, however, they are fine for simply parking.

08-05-2013, 04:22 PM
Hey derass, I'll only be needing them for parking, not drifting (yet ^_^), but thanks for the feedback!

I just purchased these ones on eBay (the ones Mikester has):

240sx 180sx 300zx Z32 Ebrake Assembly Cable Brackets | eBay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/251273209827?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649)

And also these ^_^:

90 96 300zx Z32 TT Rear E Brake Assembly Conversion 240sx s13 2 2 Cables | eBay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&vxp=mtr&item=181191056112)

Now I will have an e-brake for parking instead of relying on just 1st gear (and ruining my transmission gears, I believe).

Next purchase: a rebuilt manual transmission.