View Full Version : I need help with the T25/T28 Turbo Oil Lines

06-01-2013, 07:15 PM
I am in the middle of a big oil lines problems with the T25/T28 Turbo.The photo T25 T28 Turbo Oil Line 2 is the top side of the Turbo and i did a search and for all kind of Turbos and this is the Oil Drain but if we take a look in the T25 T28 Turbo Oil Line 1 photo this is the bottom side of the Turbine in my car and i just need to know which one is the correct Oil Inlet and Oil Drain and Many Thanks Anticipated.

Note;The first photo is the T25 T28 Turbo Oil Line 2 and in my vehicle this one is in the top side of my Turbo System.

06-01-2013, 07:29 PM
I just need to know if i can install the Turbo Oil Inlet line in the bottom side of the T25/T28 Turbine and the oil drain line in the top side and i am talking in the T25 T28 Turbo Oil Line 2 Photo.This Oil Line connector is in the top side near the Turbine Exhaust Inlet.

06-01-2013, 07:41 PM
Your engrish is confusing as fk.

Oil feed is the internally threaded port directly on the opposite side of the drain.

The drain is the 2 bolt flange part.

06-01-2013, 09:54 PM
Jeebus got dat info^

First pic drain

Second pic feed

English is fail as stated above. Also you must suck at searching like (most) everyone else around here....

06-01-2013, 09:55 PM
I just need to know if i can install the Turbo Oil Inlet line in the bottom side of the T25/T28 Turbine and the oil drain line in the top side and i am talking in the T25 T28 Turbo Oil Line 2 Photo.This Oil Line connector is in the top side near the Turbine Exhaust Inlet.

I decided to read this..

No! Turbo oil lines are gravity fed. Drain on bottom only

06-02-2013, 02:53 PM
Ok;I have in stock the adapter line like the one in the picture below with the 1/8" to 1/2" line adapter for install the Turbine oil input line in the hole of my first picture in my first post and then the Turbine oil drain line in the hole of my second picture?

Pssss;And im sorry about my English language problem but it is because my original languages is the Spanish and the Italy too.

06-02-2013, 04:45 PM
Jeebus got dat info^

First pic drain

Second pic feed

English is fail as stated above. Also you must suck at searching like (most) everyone else around here....

Please re read my post

06-02-2013, 06:24 PM
I read your post "Turbo oil lines are gravity fed. Drain on bottom only" but i am asking about this correct installations because all kind of Turbo Systems use the the top side oil connector with the two bolts in the bottom side but my Turbine has the two bolts connector oil line in the top.I am trying to twist the center side of the Turbine 180 degrees for place the two bolts oil connector line in the bottom side but i am waiting if something was installed wrong from the factory and im sorry for place this bunch of post and Many Thanks Again.

06-02-2013, 06:39 PM
KoukiMonsta;You giving to me a great idea in the post about the modifications of the Intercooler because i have the same intercooler but the right side of my intercooler has too much lenght and i am going to cut the original hose connnector and then i can solder a little aluminum hose with the correct length.:ssex::ssex::ssex:

06-02-2013, 06:55 PM
You have to reclock the housings to have the drain on the bottom in your setup

Sent from my One X using Tapatalk 4 Beta

06-02-2013, 08:33 PM
Unless this turbo is being used on a top fed manifold, you'd have to reclock the center of the cartridge.

06-03-2013, 05:49 PM
Thanks alot at everyboby.
I reclock the center housing of the Turbine and now the two bolts oil drain connector is in the bottom.

Note;I place the oil drain connector straight of the bottom side of the center housing.And Again Many Thanks at everybody for this great tips.:yum::yum::yum:

06-10-2013, 06:12 PM
Here it is the new photo of the reclock T25/T28 Turbine.Now i have the Oil Drain line and the coolant inlet and outlet lines in the bottom of my Turbine.And it is more easy for place the all lines.

The Oil Drain line and the coolant line size is -10AN (5/8").

I need to know if i can use the -8AN Oil Drain line instead of the -10AN?

06-10-2013, 06:33 PM
And here it is the top side T25/T28 Turbine photo with the Oil Inlet line adapter with the restrictor.

Note;The oil restrictor location is in the oil adapter bolt and it is 1.5mm.I just need to know if this is the correct restrictor size and Many Thanks Again.

And i have another question:Can i use the original style K&N air filter for the T25/T28 Turbo System?

It is because i read the K&N air filter specs and this type of air filter gives a lot of air flow.

I have the JDM Racing Style Air Filter with the Flow Meter adapter but if i can use the regular style K&N filter it is better for me and Many Thanks and im sorry for this bunch of questions.