View Full Version : Nistune

02-17-2012, 04:26 PM
I'm trying to figure out my injector latency settings. I have top feed RC injectors and when i called RC they gave me these:


Does anyone know what that translates into nistune?

02-17-2012, 11:08 PM
No one has info on this?

02-18-2012, 10:06 AM
14v is what is usually used. 210 in nistune. So depending on your voltage, you can try the values from 12v to 14v
If your k is correct then you should be idling fine if not, start the base tune all over again with a new latency, car warmed up and shoot for 14.5afr, then hit the 2500rpm cruise afr should be 15.2 14.6 or better.

Then again I could be wrong, and you just blew up your engine!

Latency has more of an effect on idle and if correct I never touch it again.
My sards seem to be correct at 850 so I haven't touched it.

What size are those injectors btw that latency is smaller than the stock sr latency

02-18-2012, 12:19 PM
Yeah that's what I thought but they are 370cc, my issue is my idle is sort of rough and I have a small missfire I think my spark is weak. Is there a way to test spark to know if its good enough besides pulling the plug and grounding it?