View Full Version : WTB: S14 non-ABS Brake hard line (for rear)

09-08-2011, 09:23 PM
I need the Hardline that comes off the master cylinder,to meet with the Union on the frame rail,that then Runs under the car to the back.

It is typically a $12.00 line from nissan but they just discontinued it.

Someones gotta help a brotha if you';; ship it. Its not long but a strange shape.

09-08-2011, 10:50 PM
i have this but no idea how to box them up without getting screwed up.


09-09-2011, 10:21 PM
go to autozone and buy the straight brake lines the size u need is 72 inch i believe maybe 58 i forgot but its m10x1.0 it cost like 7 bucks and just bend it to shape