View Full Version : coolant consumption reasons?

11-16-2003, 12:07 AM
can someone tell me the common reasons for coolant consumption?
i own a 1993 240sx, im thinking the headgasket is gone, not sure though. can a water pump improperly installed cause this?

my car had its water pump replaced just a week before i purchased it. ive owned the car for 1.5 weeks now and im having this large problem of coolant consumption. any help is great

11-16-2003, 04:16 AM
If it's leaking at the head gasket you will feel the loss in power. You will also clearly see the coolant leak. I had the same prob on my '91 which I traced back to a hairline crack in the radiator. I only use metal top radiators now.

If the water pump was improperly replaced then it could be the prob. If the thermostat, hoses and rad cap were not changed then check them too.

Once the usual suspects are out of the way, fill the system and bleed all the air out. Then run the car at 2-3000 rpm for about 3-5 minutes or just let it idle for 10-15. If the leak is still present it will be readily seen.

11-16-2003, 03:40 PM
sorry, i forgot to mention

there is white smoke fron the exhaust even when car is warmed up..
im pretty sure that this equals headgasket probs