View Full Version : Copper Spray w/ OEM Head Gasket w/decked head/block)

05-05-2011, 07:22 AM
On my CA I just had the block and head surfaced and was wondering if it would be overkill to use copper spray on the OEM gasket before installing it. I know in most cases its best to use it if you have any imperfections, but since I've had them surfaced I wasn't sure if it would be beneficial at all. I have a can here at the house.... which is why i ask. thanks for any advice

05-05-2011, 07:32 AM
if its a good can then yes use it alot of people dont use a sealant on their headgaskets thinking "oh it'll be ok i have a fresh motor and everything is perfect in candyland" but its not so use it :)

05-05-2011, 09:07 AM
i used it for precaution its fine you can use it.