View Full Version : Aftermarket Head Unit Problems

06-24-2010, 02:13 PM
So I decided to take on the "task" of installing a Sony CDX-GT51W Head Unit (http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_10148_Sony+CDX-GT51W.html) that I took out of my '93 240sx and installing it in my '95 Base Model 240sx.
Little did I know that this was going to be a lot harder than I thought.
I had to absolutely no experience with wiring/stereo installation prior to this.

Without knowing that Metra wire harness kits (http://www.installer.com/item/display_item.php?it=70-7550) existed, I stupidly cut the factory plugs off from the main harness.
The Sony head unit was already installed when I purchased the s13 so I pulled those apart from the wiring job previously done before as they were held by butt connectors.
I also took the antenna adapter from the previous setup.

Having no knowledge of the wire diagram of the head unit & car's wire harness, my dad and I made the mistake of connecting wires we assumed were "power" (red) & ground (black) to try and get the unit on and figure out the rest (speakers) later.
Of course that didn't work out too well and may have caused the problem that I am about to present to you guys today.

After doing much needed research I found a few wire diagrams for both the car & the head unit along with some other useful information.
I used multiple threads, InstallDoctor, and the FSM to gather everything I would needed for a proper install.
After marking every wire with it's appropriate function I found that the wire diagrams differed in the Constant 12V colors (Orange w/Green Stripe vs Pink).
I'm assuming this is because I have the base model and those diagrams were made for the premium models?
But that's not of importance.

If you see the picture I post below, this is my own formatted version of what goes where and the connections that are in question.

I hooked everything up using butt connectors since I don't know how to solder and wanted to make connections that I could easily fix if they weren't to work.
Well I plugged everything including the antenna (grounding) and even attached it to the dash.
Turned the car on and...Nothing!
Absolutely no sign that anything was functioning.

So which would you say is the cause for my "dead" head unit:
1) Head unit damaged:
-If everything is properly wired is it possible that I may have damaged the head unit when I was "plug guessing" before the actual install? It's a slim chance since I didn't connect the Orange w/Green Stripe (Constant 12V) with any other wires since I thought red (Illumination) was "power" & black (F. Right -) was "ground." And I assume you would need power to blow a fuse or something along those lines.

2) Amp By Pass NECESSARY!:
-Is it possible that all the connections are correct and the head unit is functioning but because I didn't bypass the rear amp nothings working? But if that was the case, wouldn't the unit at least turn on? I want to be 100% sure that is the case before I take apart the amps and splice the connections. And according to twisted symphony "Since the amp is made by a name brand and tuned specifically for the factory speakers, it’s actually in your best interest to leave it be, even if installing an aftermarket head unit. " 240sxONE Tech Blog Archive S14 How To: Build an Amp Bypass/Delete Harness (http://tech.240sxone.com/94/s14-how-to-build-an-amp-bypassdelete-harness/)

3) Mest Up Connections:
-Like I asked before, is it one of the connections that I screwed up on?
-Wiring Pic (http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i147/dsdfm48/SloppyInstall.jpg)
-Wiring Pic #2 (http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i147/dsdfm48/SloppyInstall2.jpg)

4) Something else?

Sorry for such a long post. Just wanted to be as thorough as possible to avoid any unnecessary questions & prove that I did my research before I threw my hands up in the air.
Thanks for your time & any advice/suggestion would be appreciated :)

06-24-2010, 10:47 PM
any way to put the factory wiring connectors back on?
those metra connectors are a life saver.

not sure what you mean about amps? if you have a base model (i also have a base 95) there are no amps.

06-25-2010, 05:54 AM
Well I definitely can re-connect the factory plugs back and then attach the metra connectors.
But that would mean fixing a hack with another hack and I didn't want to do that.
It might actually be the best thing to do that though, since if I reconnect the factory plugs, I can re-test my stock head unit and see if it still works but I didn't want to go through the trouble of disconnecting & then reconnecting unless I know that's the problem.
Since there's a lack of responses, I may just have to go with that "solution."

But I'm almost positive that I have amps.
Here's a pic of Proof (http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i147/dsdfm48/Amps.jpg).
And I'm almost positive that the car is a base (4 lug, black gauges, etc).
I think there was an option for a "better" sound system.

Thanks for the reply!

06-25-2010, 06:33 AM
You only need three wires to have your radio turn on so make sure these 3 are right first.

12V Constant - Orange/Green Should have power at all times (even with car turned off)
12V Switch - Blue wires
Ground - Black or Gray (you can ground wire from radio to chasis)

Get a Digital Multi Meter or cheaper and just as easy a test light and ensure these 3 wires are good.

1. If you do not have power to either 12V source check your radio fuse
2. Check your ground if it it working correctly check to see if the fuse on the radio blew.

06-25-2010, 08:01 AM
Exactly. If you have power on both the orange/green and blue, and the case is grounded to the chassis, the radio will power up. There's nothing else needed.

08-01-2010, 12:52 AM
My apologies for the lateness of the reply.

Headunit is finally working now!

I ended up borrowing a friend's multimeter & after many failed attempts of finding the constant. Spliced the constant wire from the emergency lights and used that to power the headunit. No idea why the O/Gr (Constant) wire was "dead".

But thanks for ALL your help :D

& just an fyi, the ground is the antenna.