View Full Version : SR Coolant temp sending unit problem

11-09-2009, 04:53 PM
For the longest time, my (unrelaible, I know) stock temp gauge has been reading slightly above halfway. Recently it started rising, though I'm sure the car is not overheating. Everyone else I know with an s13 w/ SR reads halfway between cold and 'normal' level. Is this an issue with my sending unit for the gauge?

I replaced it with the sending unit from an s14 KA (to match the ohm level for the gauge) and now the gauge does not move from cold unless I sit in traffic, then it fluctuates grately, going all the way back to cold if my fans are on.

Where is my issue here? Should I be using an SE-R sentra sending unit? Or is my problem elsewhere?

11-09-2009, 05:04 PM
you use the sending using according to the chassis

S13=S13 KA sensor
S14=S14 KA sesnor

11-09-2009, 05:05 PM
you use the sending using according to the chassis

S13=S13 KA sensor
S14=S14 KA sesnor

Stock Temp gauges are worthless anyway, get Defi

EDIT: haha post fail, I qouted instead of editing lol

11-09-2009, 05:13 PM
gotcha. Figured I'd try that next. Odd there's a different ohm level between s13/14