View Full Version : no heat = clogged heater core... right?

09-24-2009, 09:33 PM
its going to be winter soon. i want my heater.

...but im pretty sure my heater core is clogged. The reason i am convinced of this is that the previous owner used radiator stop leak and head gasket fix in there at one point.

sometimes the heater works a little, but its rare, and the amount of heat is very very little

its not the mix door - i see that it moves fine.

i dont quite recall ever doing the bottom hose vs top hose heat/cold check, i may do that tomorrow if im not too lazy and i dont forget.

but really, my main question is, if it really is clogged with that stop leak crap, is there anything i can do to unclog/clean it out? or do i have to buy a new core?
and if the latter, who wants to sell me one dirt cheap? :naughty:

09-24-2009, 09:52 PM
thermostat could be stuck open start there.

09-24-2009, 10:04 PM
Or you could be low on coolant, and it's not making it's way into the core.