View Full Version : New Drift Documentary / Running Life

06-09-2009, 12:45 PM
Hello all, would you please take a moment to read everything here its important and its for you!

My passion for this sport and the drift community can not be expressed in words its so huge and its what keeps me going, no drift no life.

Now I’m sure you have all seen my recent work with the Ebisu Drift Matsuri and D1 Mobara videos, I’m sure your well aware that I’m a poor kid living on TV dinners just so I can pay the rent and film events, don’t even get me started on my JZX90 drift car that just gets hard parked 70% of the year.

To the chase, I have watched every drift DVD there is to do with drifting and the culture based around the drifting community and not one of them even came close to anything I have been around since being in Japan. These films cut through the darkness and the behind the scene action and get straight to the drifting, be it street drifting or D1 level drifting. Name a single DVD out there that gives you a proper take on drifting and the real culture and OUR community, a DVD that your parents can watch and will actually understand why you love the sport so much, a DVD that anyone can watch without even liking cars but can come to an understanding of how drifting works and why it runs through your blood, when your wife or girl friend complains you have no money you put the DVD on to shut them up. There is no DVD like this because a simple drift DVD can not capture these moments, you need a drift documentary for all of this.

My aim since day one has been to show a different side of drifting, sure I love crashes I love the glamour but the only thing that keeps me drifting and in the sport is my friends and the community. Put it this way if you had no community, you had no friends in drifting would you still have as much fun as you do now? Would you even be in the sport today if you friends the from the community did not introduce you to it? NO is the simple answer.

Drifting was not built on cars or tire smoke, just like everything else people built drifting because it starts with friends that then form a community, the cars were just there as the tools, the real drive behind drifting is how far people will push it, or how the community moves forward working together to change the style of drifting. The community has got drifting to where it is today, it has pushed everyone of you out an extra 4 inches closer to the wall because that’s what’s needed now days to win events, the judges looked at what’s important and looked at what the community wants to see, everything comes back to us and what we want.

With all this happening where are the films to document this movement, where’s the film to show the community today and show how it is the base of drifting. I want to watch a film and feel like I have had a hand in this sport, that in some way I have helped people to understand why I love it, why we all love it. Drifting is a sport that anyone can do, fat, skinny, male or female nothing stops you from becoming the best besides your own self determination.

What am I offering, I am offering you a chance to pick what you want in a film not just a normal drift DVD but a documentary on drift and its community, I’m taking a part out of everyone of you and putting it into this film. You can say ohh shit that’s my idea here, you can have a hand in this production.

Think of walking through a big movie shop and it has everything about drifting on the shelf, street drifting, interviews, grass roots D1 divisional events, workshop tours you name it has it. You pick what you want off the shelf take it to the counter and bang out comes a film that has awesomeness times 10,000 inside of it and is everything YOU want to see, that’s what I want to do for you.

I don’t want to steal you money, I don’t want to make a million dollars all I want is people to give me a chance and a bit of help. I don’t want to charge for this documentary film per sale I want to try and get some sort of donation system going, I would like a donation and picture of you and your name, if your from a company your company name and logo or a picture of your face. I want to build a documentary for the people that have built the sport, I want the film cover to have every picture and name of everyone that has helped along with the same in the credits, this does not sound like much but really it makes you a part of documentary because with out your help this would not of happened, anything helps small or large it all helps.

The donations would go to this, equipment, video tapes, batteries, fuel to get to the events, crazy japanese road tolls, fees for events, not one dollar will go on me kicking back and having a couple beers its all for this film. I’m not a pro but i am guy that has more passion then most and knows what people want and what i want to do. You liked my other work so you should love this if it gets put into motion!

I want to give you something that in 20-40 years when you have stopped driving you can pull out this film and it will give you goose bumps because it takes you back to all those emotions and feelings that drifting gave you.

Now I know I’m in Japan and you’re the other side of the pond, but this film is not based on locations its based on the vibe that the world over has with drifting. Your in the UK, your in America, your anywhere in the world that has a community of drifters then this documentary will be 100% related to all the emotions and feelings we feel as a world wide drift community.

Japan just allows me to capture touge footage and some stuff you guys will just never be able to see and experience. But none the less no matter where your from this documentary will relate to you and your experience in some way, a film that is on the same page as you something you don’t watch like D1 and go, wow that can never be me or I could never get the backing to do that, because this is 100% grass roots REAL DRIFTING.

Things off the top of my head I have access to.

* Street drifting
* Workshop reviews / Japanese guys / English guys doing business here
* Driver interview / pros / amateurs / touge crowd
* D1 divisional events, high level but still grass roots
* Random drift events
* Ebisu Drift Matsuri, the one event that brings everything about drifting together.?

A website will also be made to support this film along with every one who has helped getting plastered all over the internet to show that it was all made by the community for the community.

Please let me know you input and thoughts about this, I would love to hear everything you have and want, please keep it all on topic. Please spread the word everywhere and to everyone lets get this going!!!!

If you have read this but cant reply please join this great forum or email me on :

My motto for this film documentary is :

We are community
We are drift

Help this dood out!

06-09-2009, 05:08 PM
Too lazy to read the entire thing but......... why is this on this section of the forum???

06-09-2009, 07:20 PM
Because i didn't know where else to put it.....

06-10-2009, 08:50 PM
I sent my donation!

06-10-2009, 09:37 PM
This sounds great.
I will send donation and support something that makes sense.

06-10-2009, 09:54 PM
that's some art right there, literally, even if i wasn't into cars i would say the footage is amazing and how it was implemented.

06-11-2009, 01:08 PM
For those of you who want to donate :

Send wat ever you can afford to his paypal SNIP

Also, email him your full name and a pic of yourself.

06-11-2009, 03:57 PM
cliffnotes plz?

06-11-2009, 08:20 PM
Hes an awesome dood.

His videos are top notch.

Needs donations to fund a new film project that we can all enjoy.

Get some medication for you EADD.

06-11-2009, 09:15 PM
That sounds like an interesting video.

06-12-2009, 12:04 AM
Yea man.....i figure what the hell right? Its worth it.

06-13-2009, 11:43 PM
The touge sneak peak is up,

This is only a sneak peak of what one aspect of the film, this does not represent the final production.

These guys are just some local guys, not pros still lower level drivers but they still know the touges quite well. Will be seeing more of these guys along with interviews etc.

Remember HD - Youtube still kills quality

YouTube - Drift Documentary : We Are Drift - Touge Sneak Peak (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuhrEGfUQbo)

06-14-2009, 03:02 PM
I sent an update out to all the fans on the Drifting facebook fan page. ;)

DRIFTING | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/drifting)

Have some ideas in store, I'll keep spreading the word.

06-14-2009, 03:08 PM
Awesome! Thanks!

06-19-2009, 01:01 PM
thats intense

06-20-2009, 01:51 PM
I don't understand why someone who is producing a commercial DVD needs donations. Especially when he is already sponsored by the links on the pages. If anything this is spam.