View Full Version : Kinda OT, But my SR Came in This Morning

The Mole
04-01-2003, 07:21 AM
I was wondering if theres anything specific i should watch out for..?
It's an s13 redtop motor

and ill post up pictures when i get home from work. thats where i had it shipped to..


04-01-2003, 07:47 AM
look for broken parts. i.e. sidemount, radiator.

Make sure your mafs, ecu and ignitor chip are all there.

Here's the fun part:
Go take a look at your turbo. Verify that it's a t25. You might have lucked out and gotten a modded one!

04-01-2003, 10:31 AM
Check the oil pan, to make sure it isn't dented.


04-01-2003, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Foxcolt
Here's the fun part:
Go take a look at your turbo. Verify that it's a t25. You might have lucked out and gotten a modded one!

Or...it could be blown (hopefuly yours isn't :D)

This one was :( (it is off a red top):

04-01-2003, 07:51 PM
if its from FO make sure you got the floormats!!!!