View Full Version : s14 noise coming from the rear

ttLOVEjh s13
04-12-2009, 01:53 AM
OK Guys Ill try and make it simple. I was parking my car after coming home from work. And when I was parking I heard a squeaking noise from the rear of the car I thought it was my rear diff but its wasnt at first, because when im in neutral and give it gas that noise comes up. And now when i accelerating a short distance it come up again...The noise sounds like a old bike when your peddling...

you think i might need to lube somthing up down there...?

HELP please

04-12-2009, 12:00 PM
does it only do it when you're moving?if so Maybe carrier bearing for the drive shaft? Maybe a u joint?

ttLOVEjh s13
04-12-2009, 01:57 PM
does it only do it when you're moving?if so Maybe carrier bearing for the drive shaft? Maybe a u joint? when im taking off from a stop the squeaking noise comes up then goes away after high way speed. noise come up when giving it gas in neutral...