View Full Version : HELP!!! need to know what these wire are on my IACV!

01-28-2009, 07:07 PM
just swapped in a sr20det s13 black top into my kouki.... everything is fine but it idles at 3+k rpms.... slightly pinched the IACV hose and the idle dropped so i know the IACV isnt working properly... i pulled this SR out of my other car so i know it worked perfectly and should still..

there are 4 wires going to the IACV

black/orange= 12v source
light blue= ECU
but what are th blue and blue/red???????

once i figure this out i can finally drive my carrrrrrrrrrrrrrr haha

01-28-2009, 07:28 PM
two solenoids.

01-28-2009, 08:39 PM
that doesnt make any sense to me at all...

does anyone know which wire is ground???

01-28-2009, 10:03 PM
that doesnt make any sense to me at all...

does anyone know which wire is ground???

the ecu wire is ground. there is no constant ground of any kind assoc with iacv. a solenoid is needs postive and negative to operate. there are at least two solenoid in the iacv unit. wire colours change as you move from unit to harness and to main harness.