View Full Version : WTB: cheap S13 RUCAs

07-05-2008, 07:33 PM
Hello everyone!
I need some cheap adjustable RUCAs, don't really care about condition as long as they're usable. I just need a pair that allows for more negative camber than the stock ones.
Let me know if you happen to have any.
Thank you.

07-06-2008, 02:50 AM
I accidently ordered two sets of rucas (one set came with my full suspension package, tie rod, traction control, toe arm). I got them from ebay, the brand is motoria. both sets came with very minor rust but nothing serious enough for me to return or complain.
Here is the link http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=005&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=150258816502&rd=1
ebay item # 150258816502 of the actual set I won.

I will sell you them for $70 shipped. As you can see, I paid $90 for them.