View Full Version : KA-T 370cc/T25/N60 MAF Question

03-14-2008, 12:39 PM
I'm going to be running that setup and was wondering if I would HAVE to put the MAF inbetween the intercooler and intake manifold(Blow-By), or could I just run it like normal and put it inbetween the turbo and air filter?

I was wondering because I'm not gonig to be running any A/F regulator/controller system yet, might be getting an Apexi AFC in the future.

Well I heard that this "ghetto" turbo system is pretty decent if you have a low budget and don't use any A/F management - as long as you gas up on 91 octane to prevent detonation.

Any inputs?

03-14-2008, 12:51 PM
dude you could of just asked me. you'll will have to tune it. it runs decent with a tune but make sure you clamp the maf good enough when youre under a boost it will pop off. try not to crack the maf when clamping it too.

03-14-2008, 12:53 PM
At the VERY least, I'd run AFC & tune it with a wideband.

In the best case w/o tuning, you'll run pig rich -> wasting tons of money on gas.

In the worse case w/o tuning, you'll blow something up -> will cost you A LOT more than investing in at least some sort of fuel management & tuning.

You technically could put it either place (given you tune for it). And since you are not running any management whatsoever, I would say you car will most likely run very shitty.

If you search, you should get your answers... there are pros & cons running either setup.

I'll give you one pro of each, you can search the rest:

- one reason people run between intake manifold & intercooler is to help w/ issues w/ open atmosphere bov's.

- one reason people run on the filter/pre-turbo side is because it's easier.

03-14-2008, 01:01 PM
I recommend waiting the extra amount of time it takes you to get the money for a goof fuel management so than you dont have to worry about running rich or blowing anything up...whats a few weeks to wait for everything to be done right...? Just my 2 cents

03-14-2008, 01:15 PM
Alright, thanks for the input, guys.