View Full Version : Apex avc-r boost controller settings for sr20

05-25-2007, 07:53 AM
I need someone using the apex avc-r boost controller with an sr20det to tell me all of the settings they used for initial set up. (cylinder setting, speed pulse, throttle sensor type, etc.) thankyou.

05-25-2007, 08:17 AM
i forget off the top of my head....if you search apex'i's website, you can go to AVC-R, then product documentation.....you shoulda searched...

It is 4 cylinders, Speed Pulse 2, Throttle I forget, but you can just monitor the throttle voltage on the display (Sensor Voltage check)....if it goes up (3-5V) when you have the throttle open, then arrow goes up...if the voltage goes down then the arrow goes down....IIRC, for sr20 it's up arrow.

For sensor type, just leave it at Relative 1............Gear judge is self explanitory

You can run 0.65 kg/cm^2 well by starting your guess for the duty at 40%......You can get close to 0.85 with 55%....

05-25-2007, 01:46 PM
thank you much

05-25-2007, 02:13 PM
sorry but the gear judge was sort of confusing me, i set it at whatever n/s it was at during 3k rpm's. not sure if that right or smart?

05-26-2007, 12:55 PM
that's fine, i mean all it does is take your speed and divide by rpms.....you SHOULD do it arround 3K or so....