View Full Version : redtop egr?

05-23-2007, 07:02 PM
Hey guys I have a zenki S14 SE and I put the s13 redtop in it. The only problem that I have come across is the fact that my EGR pipe, coming out of the EGR valve (atop the turbo) and going to the o2 elbow (coming out the turbo), is being crushed against my steering column. now my engine also seems to sit a bit slanted like " \ ". where the top of the slash is the front of the engine and the bottom is the back of the transmission. Now this might be my problem on why the EGR pipe is being crushed, but i can't seem to straighten the engine any more than what it is like now. My question is has anyone else come across this problem? does anyone run the redtop without EGR emissions (exhaust gas recirculation)? and is there any other options for me besides remocing the whole EGR altogether?

Hopefully someone can help...

05-23-2007, 07:16 PM
I'm thinking that you're talking about the AIV tube/system, most guys here just plug the end on the turbo elbow and chuck the rest.

05-23-2007, 07:50 PM
Toss it, cover the hole with a nickel and call it a day.