View Full Version : Greddy MBC

12-18-2006, 11:38 PM
Has anyone here ever used or has a Greddy TVVC manual boost controller ? I'm thinking about picking one up but not sure how well it works and does it cause boost spike Thanks !

12-18-2006, 11:42 PM
I could be wrong but i think BJORKLUV has one and i would suggest not getting a MBC anyway. bjorkluv has proof of his MBC fuccin up and a guy we knew that had a 500hp s14 would run one and it caused him some drop off.. If you cant afford anything but a mbc now then i say get it.. better to have that than nothing but if you can afford a EBC i would go with that.. seriously.. ive heard nothing but bad news from MBC's out here at least!

12-19-2006, 07:29 PM
Agreed. EBC kicks MBC's ass for spoolup and steady boosting.

If you can only afford a manual, then get a cheap one for now. Don't spend $200 on a freaking MBC, thats such a waste.