View Full Version : Summer 240 track days, interested?

11-13-2006, 08:15 PM
Myself, and 2 other track enthused memebers of ths board are trying to gauge intrest in a summer track weekend. It will not be for 240 only and not organized by myself, but more of a bunch of us signng up for an event and overtaking it :).

There are many track up and down the east coast and in the midwest. The one we have semi agreed on is in teh south and bit of a trip for myseld and ted, but its local to all of use beign from NC, MD and OK.

Barber Motorsports Park, AL http://www.barbermotorsports.com/

If anyone is intereested in doing an event come June, July or August. We will potentially be going with NASA or BMWCCA. Let us know of any better locations or if your just interested so i can know to let this post die or stay updated as plans get closer.

11-13-2006, 08:54 PM
I'm down for a Northeast track day in the summer if the price is on par with NASA. It'd be cool if there were instuctors there as well.

11-13-2006, 09:29 PM
I'm down for a Northeast track day in the summer if the price is on par with NASA. It'd be cool if there were instuctors there as well.

It will be with NASA or BMWCCA so there will deff be instructors present, just like every other organized event, this is more or less me and my track buds trying to get a bunch of 240 people to sign up for the same event....not trying to organize out own.

11-14-2006, 06:54 AM
i'm in keep me posted...