View Full Version : s14 rear control arm bushings

Carl H
04-15-2006, 03:09 PM
well since ive conceded to the fact that my car constantly ownz me and in my latest endevour to fit the r32 rear brakes to complete the r32 brake system on my car ive found that i cant get the bearing assembly out of the hub without pressing it out.
so since ive got to tear apart my hub assembly anyways i figure i midaswell install the es rear control arm bushing kit i got for my car a while back, since it required the unbolting of the hubs anyways.
i ordered the es kit number 7.3119 which they list as being the proper kit for the s14 rear control arms but when i opened the box it ended up being for a 300zx subframe, a bit strange no?
part numbers on the box and kit are right but lining some of the bushings up by holding them against their respective locations some look bigger or smaller than the ones they are supposed to replace.
anyone actualy gone thru and fitted this kit to their car and if so does it line up right?
thanks, and yes a few searches were done before i posted...