View Full Version : Make Your Own T28 Turbo Lines ?

02-26-2006, 07:02 AM
I am just wondering if any or you have made your own turbo lines for the T28? I have been up this morning searching for info on size fittings needed to make the oil and cooler lines. Taka lines will work just fine but I would like to make some myself. I have checked summit and Earl sites found all the parts that I will need but this is my first time working with AN fittings. I have a S13 redtop and im installing a T28, the cooler line that comes from the back of the engine is a B#$%@ to remove off the T25.
Any of you with taka lines can take a pic or get the numbers of the fittings used. On the rear coolant line do you just remove the rubber line and install the
line to the metal line?
Thank you in advance for your help:cool:
And I have Done A Search But No Info Found To Make Lines!!!!

02-26-2006, 08:53 AM
this may help http://forums.freshalloy.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB9&Number=68043094&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&vc=1

02-26-2006, 08:54 AM
Making your own line isn't hard, but it's a little tricky if you haven't worked with braided lines before. They're a little difficult to cut and mount up just right with the fitting.

As far as the parts themselves, they're not that difficult to figure out. For coolant, you use -6 lines for however long you need it. All the banjo bolts are 14x1.5. One side is 90* to clear the turbo, and the other side is just a straight 12x1.5 to -6 adapter.

For oil supply, use a -3 line. Same thing with the 90* fitting and adapter. The bolts are 12x1.25.

So here's how you run the lines. For coolant supply, the 90* end goes into the turbo and the straight end goes on the block:

-6 14X1.5 union adaptor
-6 90* hose end
-6 line (around 16" or so, but measure your own application to cut up the appropriate length)
-6 straight hose end
-6 14X1.5 unition adaptor

For oil supply line, pretty much the same as coolant supply:
-3 12X1.25 union adaptor
-3 90* hose end
-3 line (around 12" or so, but measure your own application to cut up the appropriate length)
-3 straight hose end
-3 12X1.25 unition adaptor

For coolant return line, search for my thread about it in this forum. I showed you a few options you can use.

If you want to reuse the stock route, do this:

-6 14X1.5 union adaptor
-6 90* hose end
-6 line (around 20" or so, but measure your own application to cut up the appropriate length)
-6 clamp-on hose end

If you want to cap it off and use the S14+ SR water outlet, use a -6 14X1.5 union adaptor instead of the clamp on hose end. Then you can block off the coolant nipple in the back with a rubber plug, or just run a -6 hose with a clamp on the end, and put a -6 hose end on the other end. Then throw a -6 cap on top of the hose end.

Or if you want to use this product, he can make you a spacer to put on the water outlet, and give you a 90* -6 fitting on top of it. Then you just have to get your -6 line and attach it.


So that should be all the information you need. I did all this research, but then I found out it wasn't cost-effective to do this on my own. I got everything from Taka. It's not much more expensive then doing your own lines, and chances are you're likely to make some mistakes that will cost you more money.

Get in touch with Harp @ Taka. He will assist you. If you insist on doing your own lines, the most difficult part will be cutting the lines and attaching the hose ends. You can search around for that information as it is universal and not car-specific.

Good luck!

08-30-2006, 04:51 AM
Bump for you guys since a few people have been asking about sizes to make their own lines.

06-25-2007, 01:51 PM
My coolant line sprung a leak through the hose. Thanks G6civic!

I get to take off the old line and assemble a new one!


06-25-2007, 02:21 PM
+1 Good info, just got an oil filter block adapter and need to make some lines for it.

12-07-2018, 04:55 PM
Bumping an old thread because of awesome info. I bought turbo lines for my swap into my Datsun but of course it doesn’t fit 100%. Need to make my own ends to fit my needs. Thanks

12-11-2018, 07:40 PM
I took the fittings off my turbo and engine and brought them to a local hot rod drag shop. They matched up the fittings, and since I brought my modified coolant neck with me, they were able to provide me with an attachment that fit in it after it was tapped. They provided me with fittings and enough house for me to modify back at my garage. To cut the hoses, tape the end with duck tape and then use a little band saw or those tiny ones ( can't think of the name) and cut the hose. The tape makes sure that the fibers don't get all messed up. Put the fitting in a vice and take the tape off the hose while pinching it to discourage the fibers from getting messed up. Put the hose in the fitting and theres a little lip inside that you need to get it on. once its in the hold, use something with a point, (I used the end of a file) to push the ends of the hose into fitting past the lip. After that, you tighten the bolt on the fitting and it secures the hose in place. Super easy and was definitely way easier than I thought it would be. My advice is to go to local drag shops, the one near me had endless amounts of braided hose in different sizes, as well as rubber hoses, and more fittings than I thought possible. They even took the time to show me how to make said hoses with ease. Got brand new turbo lines for oil and coolant and only paid 127$