View Full Version : Boost Issue

02-13-2006, 05:00 PM
My 240 is acting up. It idles rough when it’s warming up. It feels like its misfiring. Also I can’t take it past 4000-4500 rpm other wise the car (for lack of a better word) kind of jerks. If I keep pressing on the accelerator to push through (which I’ve only done once) the jerking kind of stops. The car doesn’t have a boost controller. I didn’t do the motor work so I’m not exactly sure if it was even tuned. My best guess is that it is some sort of boost or fuel issue but I don’t know enough about motors to diagnose the problem.

The only mods to the motor are:

Blitz FMIC
Blitz BOV
Apex’I N1 exhaust

If anyone has any insight on this it would help me out greatly. Thanks!

02-13-2006, 07:25 PM
It bucks under throttle? Try to find out if you have boost leaks in the I/C piping if its custom. Check to see if your coils are good. If it idles rough, it could also be a vacuum. I had the exact problem w/ mine and those things were the culprits.

02-17-2006, 09:56 AM
Could it also be a bad mass airflow sensor? A friend was telling me that the mass airflow could have gone bad due to too much boost. I bought the car used so I can't say for certain how the previous owner drove it.

02-17-2006, 10:11 AM
One Thing You May Want To Check Because The Bucking While Driving Sounds Somewhat Familiar What Happened To Me Before Is Make Sure You Check Your Sparkplugs To Make Sure Those Are In Tight. Hopefully Its Something Fairly Simple Like That.. Good Luck

02-17-2006, 08:50 PM
MAF could be it too...